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[英]Create a generic function that return a generic type list in C#

I have two Model classes, one is Person and the other is Department . 我有两个Model类,一个是Person ,另一个是Department What I want to achieve is I want to create a generic function which can be used to retrieve generic type data in the form of List for eg one call will return Person List , another call will return Department List . 我要实现的是创建一个通用函数,该函数可用于以List的形式检索通用类型数据,例如,一个调用将返回Person List ,另一个调用将返回Department List More specifically I want to return data in the form of a List. 更具体地说,我想以列表的形式返回数据。

The below is the Person Class. 以下是Person类别。

public class Person {

    public Int16 Personid{ get; set; }
    public string Personname { get; set; }
    public string Personaddress { get; set; }


The below is the Department class. 以下是Department课程。

public class Department {

     public Int16 Departmentid { get; set; }
     public string Departmentname { get; set; }
     public string Departmentsection { get; set; }


The below are the calling function where One time I make a call with CallingMethodPerson() and other with CallingMethodDepartment() . 下面是调用函数,一次我使用CallingMethodPerson()进行调用,而另一次使用CallingMethodDepartment()进行调用。

public class CallingClass {

   public void CallingMethodPerson() {

      CalledClass calling = new CalledClass();
      Calling. CalledMethod();


    public void CallingMethodDepartment() {

      CalledClass calling = new CalledClass();
      Calling. CalledMethod();


The below blue print is the CalledClass where it does some manipulation and return List of either Person or Department . 下面的蓝图是CalledClass ,它在其中进行一些操作并返回PersonDepartment List。

public class CalledClass {

    public void CalledMethod() {
      //this is a generic method wherein returns the list of either a Person 
      or Department whenever called.


To summarise I want to implement a common function that return generic type data. 总而言之,我想实现一个返回通用类型数据的通用函数。 The trick is actually I want build one generic function that has a SQL Read command , so I will call the same function again and again with different models, execute the query, retrieve the data from the database , store it into a list of type generic and return back to the callingmethod . 诀窍是实际上我想构建一个具有SQL Read command泛型函数,因此我将使用不同的模型反复调用同一函数,执行查询,从database检索数据,并将其存储到泛型类型list中然后返回到callingmethod

Your CalledClass should accept T as generic. 您的CalledClass应该接受T作为泛型。

Both your Person and Department should have atleast and Interface in common (if you need to do things with those objects.) 您的个人和部门都应该有至少相同的至少接口(如果您需要使用这些对象来做事)。

public class CalledClass<T> where T : IAmAClassObject {

    public List<T> CalledMethod() {
         //create your objects and do something
         return objects.ToList();

Another way of handling this is to make the CalledMethod handle the generic public class CalledClass { 解决此问题的另一种方法是使CalledMethod处理通用的公共类CalledClass {

    public List<T> CalledMethod<T>() {
         //create your objects and do something
         return objects.ToList();

This way you should instantiate the CalledClass once in the CallingClass class, and just call the CallMethod giving the right T type. 这样,您应该在CallingClass类中实例化一次CalledClass,然后调用提供正确T类型的CallMethod。

Looks like you could benefit from entity framework. 看起来您可以从实体框架中受益。 It has the method you need, it is called using DbContext , DbSet<T> and Linq-to-sql. 它具有您需要的方法,使用DbContextDbSet<T>和Linq-to-sql进行调用。

The correct syntax to do this is the following: 正确的语法如下:

public class CalledClass<T>
    public List<T> CalledMethod()
         return objects.ToList();

But this will not allow you to modify the list entries, because there are of type object . 但这将不允许您修改列表条目,因为存在类型为object

Tour example shows that your objects are quite similar, so i would suggest extracting a common interface: 巡回示例显示您的对象非常相似,因此我建议提取一个公共接口:

  1. Remove the prefix Person and Department this information is already given with the class 删除前缀PersonDepartment此类已经提供了该信息
  2. Then moving those properties in an interface 然后在界面中移动这些属性

This will leave you with the following hierarchy 这将使您具有以下层次结构

public interface IEntity
    string Name {set;get;}
    string Id {set;get;}

public class Person : IEntity 
    string Name {set;get;}
    string Id {set;get;}
    string Address {set;get;}

public class Department : IEntity 
    string Name {set;get;}
    string Id {set;get;}
    string Section {set;get;}

You can now add a constraint that your generic function only takes a child of IEntity 现在,您可以添加一个约束,使您的泛型函数仅接受IEntity

public class CalledClass<TEntity>
    where TEntity : IEntity
    public List<TEntity> CalledMethod()
         // You can access Name and Id here
         foreach(var entity in entities) // i know the code is not useful ;) 
             entity.Id = "Unique ID";    // only for demonstration purposes
             entity.Name = "Random Name";

         return entities.ToList();

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