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[英]Objective-c : Execute a function in current class only after NSURLSession and NSXMLParser delegates complete in another class

I have a Class1 in which I have to load a UITableView row on didSelectRowAtIndexPath . 我有一个Class1 ,我必须在didSelectRowAtIndexPath上加载UITableView行。 In this didSelectRowAtIndexPath i make a call to a method in Class2 which thereby calls NSURLSession delegates and NSXMLParser delegates. 在此didSelectRowAtIndexPath我对Class2中的方法进行了调用,从而调用了NSURLSession委托和NSXMLParser委托。 I want to get the value of this parsed data and reload the UITableView row in Class1 . 我想获取此已解析数据的值,然后重新加载Class1中UITableView行。

I want to reload UITableView only after I get the data. 我只想在获取数据后重新加载UITableView As the Delegate methods are asynchronous I am not able to get the data and so I get an empty UITableView row. 由于Delegate方法是异步的,因此我无法获取数据,因此将获得一个空的UITableView行。

What can be the solution? 有什么解决方案?

On completion of data pulling and parsing in Class2, let Class1 know: 在Class2中完成数据提取和解析后,让Class1知道:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"kDataIsReady" object:@{@"key":@"value"}];

You need to register Class1 as a listener early on (eg in viewDidLoad): 您需要尽早将Class1注册为侦听器(例如,在viewDidLoad中):

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(dataReady:) name:@"kDataIsReady" object:nil];

Which then calls this method in Class1: 然后在Class1中调用此方法:

-(void)dataReady:(NSNotification *)n {

    NSDictionary * d = n.object; 
    NSString * value = d[@"key"];
    //e.g. update your data array, refresh tableView / specific cell

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