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与Telerik Nativescript集成

[英]Integrate with Telerik Nativescript

I am trying to integrate deepstream.io with NativeScript but I am not able to get it to work successfully. 我正在尝试将deepstream.io与NativeScript集成在一起,但无法使其成功运行。

There is also no sample code about integration between NativeScript and deepstream.io. 也没有有关NativeScript和deepstream.io之间集成的示例代码。

I am wondering if it is possible for deepstream.io to work with Nativescript. 我想知道deepstream.io是否可以与Nativescript一起使用。

Integrate with Angular 2 works perfectly as there is sample code I can make use of. 与Angular 2集成非常完美,因为我可以使用一些示例代码。

thanks Sam Liaw 谢谢山姆·利奥

not familiar with NativeScript but from a quick look it appears to be just javascript and appears you can use npm modules with it. 不熟悉NativeScript,但从快速浏览看,它似乎只是javascript,并且可以与它一起使用npm模块。

Is there any specific error you're getting? 您遇到任何特定的错误吗?

We have tutorials [1] with most major mobile frameworks and can't image why it wouldn't work with NativeScript. 我们有针对大多数主要移动框架的教程[1],无法说明为什么它不适用于NativeScript。

1. Deepstream tutorials 1.深度流教程

Integrating with Nativescript shouldn't be an issue as the way you refer a community contributed library in NPM ecosystem don't varies much and as far as Native-JS mobile app frameworks(React Native and Nativescript) are considered it's a matter of construct, and where lifecycle event hooks are provided to initialize and later re-use a library. 与Nativescript集成不应该成为问题,因为您在NPM生态系统中引用社区贡献库的方式不会有太大变化,而且就Native-JS移动应用程序框架(React Native和Nativescript)而言,这是构造问题,以及提供生命周期事件挂钩的位置,以初始化和稍后重新使用库。

What goes inside a Constructor and componentDidMount for React Native can easily go inside app.js before application.start() (initialization) and loaded (post-initialization usage) events for NativeScript and looks like https://deepstream.io/tutorials/integrations/frontend-reactnative/ could be a little bit helpful React Native的ConstructorcomponentDidMount内部的componentDidMount可以在application.start() (初始化)和NativeScript的loaded (初始化后用法)事件之前轻松进入app.js ,看起来像https://deepstream.io/tutorials/集成/前端反应性/可能会有所帮助

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