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Python-使用Google Calendar API

[英]Python - Using Google Calendar API

i've got a little problem with google calendar api. 我在使用Google Calendar API时遇到了一些问题。

I want add event summary (and other options) using array: 我想使用数组添加事件摘要(和其他选项):

event = {
                    'summary:': [temp_sheet[0]],
                    'start': {
                        'dateTime': '2017-07-28T19:00:00',
                        'timeZone': 'Europe/Warsaw',
                    'end': {
                        'dateTime': '2017-07-29T07:30:00',
                        'timeZone': 'Europe/Warsaw',

temp_sheet[0] holds a some text and i want to put it to the summary. temp_sheet[0]保留一些文本,我想将其放在摘要中。 But after checking Calendar, there is 'There is no Summary' 但是在检查日历后,出现“没有摘要”

Any Help ;>? 任何帮助;>?

Thanks! 谢谢! (: (:

There is a field of summary and decription of the event. 有一个事件的摘要和描述的字段。

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events 官方文档 https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events

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