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[英]capture string between special characters

I have this string: 我有这个字符串:

node<-c("Current CPU load - UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]@tt11")

I need to capture this text from it, from "- " til the "@" sign. 我需要从“-”到“ @”符号中捕获该文本。


I've tried this: 我已经试过了:

str_match(node, ".*\\-+s(.*?)@.*")[,2]

any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

We can use gsub to match zero or more characters until a - followed by space or | 我们可以使用gsub直到匹配零个或多个字符-其次是空间或| the @ followed by other characters and replace it with blank ( "" ) @后跟其他字符,并将其替换为空白( ""

gsub(".*-\\s|@.*", "", node)
#[1] "UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]"

Or if we are using stringr 或者如果我们使用stringr

str_extract(node, "(?<=-\\s)[^@]+")
#[1] "UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]"

data 数据

node <- c("Current CPU load - UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]@tt11")

A couple of ideas here, 这里有几个想法,

1) Using regmatches as shown here , ie 1)使用regmatches如图这里 ,即

regmatches(node,gregexpr("(?<=-\\s).*?(?=@)", node, perl=TRUE))

2) Using the fun function word from stringr , ie 2)使用stringr的fun函数word ,即

stringr::word(node, 2, sep = ' - |@')

Both resulting in 两者都导致

 [1] "UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]" 

Here are some approaches. 这里有一些方法。 No packages are used. 不使用任何软件包。

1) sub Match everything to the minus space and then capture everything up to but not including the @: 1)将所有内容匹配到减号空间,然后捕获所有内容,但不包括@:

sub(".*- (.*)@.*", "\\1", node)
## [1] "UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]"

2) sub/read.table Replace the first - with an @ and then read the string picking out the second field. 2)sub / read.table将第一个-替换为@,然后读取选择第二个字段的字符串。

read.table(text = sub("-", "@", node), sep = "@", as.is = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE)[[2]]
## [1] "UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]"

3) gsub Remove everything up to the minus space and everything from @ onwards: 3)gsub删除所有减去负号的内容以及@之后的所有内容:

gsub("^.*- |@.*", "", node)
## [1] "UAT_jvm1[mainnetwork-cmod_svc_group_mem1]"

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