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React-Native TabNavigator和模式

[英]React-Native TabNavigator and Modals

I'm trying to use this library to show a custom modal dialog. 我正在尝试使用库来显示自定义模式对话框。 I've a StackNavigator with three screens and on of these, the MainScreen, is a TabNavigator on which I set up the following header: 我有一个带有三个屏幕的StackNavigator,其中的MainScreen是一个TabNavigator,在其上设置了以下标题:

static navigationOptions = ({navigation}) => {
    const { params } = navigation.state
    return {
        headerRight: (
                    <Col style={styles.headerButton}>
                        <TouchableHighlight style={styles.infoButton} onPress={() => {params._onAbout()}} underlayColor='lightgrey'>
                            <Icon ios='ios-information-circle' android='md-information-circle' style={{fontSize: 24}} />
                    <Col style={styles.headerButton}>
                        <TouchableHighlight style={styles.logoutButton} onPress={() => {params._onLogout()}} underlayColor='lightgrey'>
                            <Icon ios='ios-exit-outline' android='md-exit' style={{fontSize: 24}} />

The second button opens a simple Alert (from react-native). 第二个按钮打开一个简单的Alert(来自react-native)。 With the first button I would open a custom modal to show app and developer details. 使用第一个按钮,我将打开一个自定义模式以显示应用程序和开发人员的详细信息。

The main screen has the following render method; 主屏幕具有以下渲染方法;

render(): JSX.Element {
    return (
        <TabContent />

where TabContent is simply my tabs configuration: 其中TabContent只是我的标签配置:

const TabContent: NavigationContainer = TabNavigator({
    Courses: {
        screen: CoursesScreen,
        navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
            // title: `${navigation.state.params.user}'s Courses`,
            tabBarLabel: 'Corsi',
            tabBarIcon: ({ tintColor, focused }) => (
                <Icon ios={focused ? 'ios-calendar' : 'ios-calendar-outline'} android='md-calendar' style={{fontSize: 18, color: tintColor}} />
    Profile: {
        screen: ProfileScreen,
        navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
            // title: `${navigation.state.params.user}'s Profile`,
            tabBarLabel: 'Profilo',
            tabBarIcon: ({ focused, tintColor }) => (
                <Icon ios={focused ? 'ios-person' : 'ios-person-outline'} android='md-person' style={{fontSize: 18, color: tintColor}} />
    }, {
    tabBarOptions: {
        activeTintColor: '#F3E03B',
        showIcon: true,
        labelStyle: {
            fontWeight: 'bold'
        style: {
            backgroundColor: 'black'

The library linked above requires a layout like this: 上面链接的库需要这样的布局:

<View style={styles.wrapper}>

    <Modal style={[styles.modal, styles.modal3]} position={"center"} ref={"modal3"} isDisabled={this.state.isDisabled}>
      <Text style={styles.text}>Modal centered</Text>
      <Button onPress={() => this.setState({isDisabled: !this.state.isDisabled})} style={styles.btn}>Disable ({this.state.isDisabled ? "true" : "false"})</Button>

but if I put TabContent tab inside that view the tab navigator doesn't work anymore. 但是,如果我将TabContent标签放在该视图中,则标签导航器将无法再使用。

Is there a way to make my TabNavigator and Modal from that library work together? 有没有办法使该库中的TabNavigator和Modal一起工作?

I found a solution. 我找到了解决方案。 Using Container as root component allow to nest the TabContent aside other components: 使用Container作为根组件,可以将TabContent嵌套在其他组件之外:

render(): JSX.Element {
    return (
            <Spinner visible={this.props.isLoggingOut} textContent={'Disconnessione in corso...'} textStyle={{color: '#FFF'}} />

            <TabContent screenProps={{ isAdmin: this.props.isAdmin }} />

            <Modal style={styles.aboutModal} position={'center'} ref={'aboutModal'} isDisabled={false}>
                <Text>Modal centered</Text>

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