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[英]Can't update dataSource with ListView on React-Native

I'm fetching my JSON data correctly and it is printing fine, however I cannot set it to the datasource of the list so I can update my rows correctly. 我正在正确获取JSON数据,并且可以正常打印,但是我无法将其设置为列表的数据源,因此可以正确更新行。 When printing the this.state.dataSource it is returning as undefined. 当打印this.state.dataSource时,它将作为未定义返回。 My returned JSON is an array. 我返回的JSON是一个数组。

export default class CoinCheckerRN extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {
    const dataSource = new ListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 !== row2});
    this.state = {
        dataSource: dataSource.cloneWithRows(['row 1', 'row 2']),

    this._renderRow = this._renderRow.bind(this);


componentDidMount() {
    getCryptocurrencyData().then(function(result) {
        console.log('??????', result[0].name)
        this.setState({ dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(result)});
        console.log('??', this.state.dataSource);

    }).catch(function(error) {
        console.log('!!!!!', error)


_renderRow(data) {
    return (
        <CoinCell coinName={'Bitcoin'} coinPrice={'£1,000'} coinPercentageChange={'-4.2%'}></CoinCell>        )

render() {
    return (
                renderRow={(data) => this._renderRow(data)}
                renderSeparator={(sectionId, rowId) => <View key={rowId} style={styles.separator} />}
                renderHeader={() => <Header />}

} }

Any help would be appreciated 任何帮助,将不胜感激

Managed to fix it with one of the previous answers listed here with a slight tweak: 略微调整后,设法通过此处列出的先前答案之一解决了该问题:

 _getCoinData() {
    getCryptocurrencyData().then(function(result) {

        const ds = new ListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 !== row2});
            dataSource: ds.cloneWithRows(result),
            jsonData: result

        console.log('!!!', this.state.jsonData);

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