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LaTeX knitr kable (Sweave) 中的数学表达式

[英]LaTeX math expression in knitr kable (Sweave)

Is it possible and how to use a LaTeX math expression in a knitr/Sweave report with kable ?是否有可能以及如何在带有 kable 的 knitr/Sweave 报告中使用kable数学表达式? In the example below, $x^2$ is rendered "as is".在下面的示例中, $x^2$ “按原样”呈现。

With xtable , for the example below, I would use the option sanitize.colnames.function = function(x) x of print.xtable .对于xtable ,对于下面的示例,我将使用选项sanitize.colnames.function = function(x) x of print.xtable Is there such an option for kable ? kable有这样的选择吗?


dat <- mtcars[1:5,1:5]
options(knitr.table.format = "latex")

names(dat)[1] <- "$x^2$"
kable(dat, booktabs=TRUE, caption="My table")




kable(dat, booktabs = TRUE, caption = "My table", escape = FALSE)

Yes, use this:是的,使用这个:

names(dat)[1] <- "$x^{2}$"

this might also help you sometime:这有时也可能对您有所帮助:

names(df) <- c("$\\lambda_1$", "$\\lambda_2$","$\\lambda_3$" )

the result is the same of:结果与以下相同:

names(df) <- c("$λ_{1}$", "$λ_{2}$", "$λ_{3}$")

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