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[英]How to filter normalized nested JSON data with no array?

after use normalizr library I have the following normalized JSON object result in the Redux state of my application: 使用normalizr库后,我的应用程序的Redux状态具有以下标准化的JSON对象结果:

    sports: {
        byId: {
          1: {
            id: 1,
            name: 'Soccer',
            slug: 'soccer'
          2: {
            id: 2,
            name: 'Basketball',
            slug: 'basketball'
          3: {
            id: 3,
            name: 'American Football',
            slug: 'american-football'
        allIds: [
      competitions: {
        byId: {
          '1': {
            id: 1,
            name: 'Competition 1',
            short_name: 'Comp 1',
            slug: 'comp-1',
            sport: 1,
            status: {
             is_live: false 
          '2': {
            id: 2,
            name: 'Competition 2',
            short_name: 'Comp 2',
            slug: 'comp-2',
            sport: 1,
            status: {
             is_live: true 
          '3': {
            id: 3,
            name: 'National Basketball League',
            short_name: 'NBA',
            slug: 'national-basketball-league',
            sport_slug: 'basketball',
            sport: 3,
            status: {
             is_live: true 
        allIds: [

What I want achieve: I want a list of competitions filtered/categorized by sports . 我想要实现的目标:我想要一个按sports筛选/分类的competitions列表。

How can I do that? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Also I want to be able to group competitions by it's status.is_live . 我也希望能够通过status.is_livecompetitions进行status.is_live

So how can I get an list of competitions breakdown by sport that status.is_live equals true and competitions status.is_live equals false? 那么,怎样才能让我的列表competitions被击穿sportstatus.is_live等于真实competitions status.is_live等于假的?

Any help is appreciated! 任何帮助表示赞赏! Thanks 谢谢

If you don't want to use lodash , you can write a .groupBy function pretty easily ( example ). 如果您不想使用lodash ,可以很容易地编写一个.groupBy函数( 例如 )。 You'll need to loop over the output object and reassign its children values with a for instead of using .mapValues . 您需要遍历输出对象,并使用for而不是.mapValues来重新分配其子级值。

I used lodash in the example, just to point out the logic. 我在示例中使用了lodash,只是为了指出逻辑。

Note: I'd remove the grouping in the data in the original response, and let the client do this on its own - it's easier to work on an unsorted array and filter/map that instead of working against values from an object that has redundant keys (since they represent groups by Id) 注意:我将删除原始响应中的数据分组,然后让客户端自行执行操作-在未排序的数组和过滤器/映射上进行操作比在具有冗余对象的值上进行处理更容易键(因为它们按ID表示组)

 let data = { sports: { byId: { 1: { id: 1, name: 'Soccer', slug: 'soccer' }, 2: { id: 2, name: 'Basketball', slug: 'basketball' }, 3: { id: 3, name: 'American Football', slug: 'american-football' } }, allIds: [ '1', '2', '3' ] }, competitions: { byId: { '1': { id: 1, name: 'Competition 1', short_name: 'Comp 1', slug: 'comp-1', sport: 1, status: { is_live: false } }, '2': { id: 2, name: 'Competition 2', short_name: 'Comp 2', slug: 'comp-2', sport: 1, status: { is_live: true } }, '3': { id: 3, name: 'National Basketball League', short_name: 'NBA', slug: 'national-basketball-league', sport_slug: 'basketball', sport: 3, status: { is_live: true } } }, allIds: [ '1', '2', '3' ] } } let competitions = Object.values(data.competitions.byId) // _.chain(arr) keeps returning `lodash` objects // so I don't have to call it separately for every action let filteredCompetitions = _.chain(competitions) .groupBy(i => i.status.is_live) .mapValues(i => _.groupBy(i, 'sport')) .value() // returns the final value console.log(filteredCompetitions) 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script> 

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