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[英]Android : sliding drawer from top

I program in android app with android studio. 我使用android studio在android应用中编程。 I would like to try to make the same top sliding drawer like this that is in the app of "airbnb". 我想尝试制作与“ airbnb”应用程序中相同的顶部滑动抽屉。 I tried with sliding drawer but I don't know how to start first because the sliding drawer component of android is "depracated" after API 17. I also tried with navigation drawer but it is on the side and not from top to bottom. 我尝试过滑动抽屉,但是我不知道如何首先开始,因为android的滑动抽屉组件在API 17之后被“取消了定义”。我也尝试过导航抽屉,但是它在侧面,而不是从上到下。 I don't think that the navigation drawer or drawer layout could help. 我认为导航抽屉或抽屉布局没有帮助。

Thanks a lot ! 非常感谢 ! If someone has an idea... 如果有人有主意...

Refer to this library: Link 请参考此库: 链接

There are instructions about how to make this panel slide from top in the readme file. 在自述文件中有有关如何使此面板从顶部滑动的说明。

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