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[英]Can't import package file (no module named…) (Python)

I am receving this error while I am try to run the code (from CMD): 我在尝试运行代码(从CMD)时收到此错误:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numbers.hog'; numbers is not a package


Here is the hog.py file code... 这是hog.py文件代码...

from skimage import feature

class HOG:
    def __init__(self, orientations = 9, pixelsPerCell = (8, 8),
        cellsPerBlock = (3, 3), normalize = False):
        self.orienations = orientations
        self.pixelsPerCell = pixelsPerCell
        self.cellsPerBlock = cellsPerBlock
        self.normalize = normalize

def describe(self, image):
    hist = feature.hog(image,
    orientations = self.orienations,
    pixels_per_cell = self.pixelsPerCell,
    cells_per_block = self.cellsPerBlock,
    normalize = self.normalize)

    return hist

...and the main ( train.py ) which return the error. ...以及返回错误的主要代码( train.py )。

from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
from numbers.hog import HOG
from numbers import dataset
import argparse
import pickle as cPickle

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-d", "--dataset", required = True,
    help = "path to the dataset file")
ap.add_argument("-m", "--model", required = True,
    help = "path to where the model will be stored")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

(digits, target) = dataset.load_digits(args["dataset"])
data = []

hog = HOG(orientations = 18, pixelsPerCell = (10, 10),
    cellsPerBlock = (1, 1), normalize = True)

for image in digits:
    image = dataset.deskew(image, 20)
    image = dataset.center_extent(image, (20, 20))

    hist = hog.describe(image)

model = LinearSVC(random_state = 42)
model.fit(data, target)

f = open(args["model"], "w")

I don't uderstand why it gives me error on module package. 我不明白为什么它给我模块包装上的错误。 numbers is a package, why it don't import it as well (as it seems) ? numbers是一个包,为什么它也不能导入(看上去)?


UPDATE: tried to put from .hog import HOG and then execute from CMD..It prints: 更新:尝试from .hog import HOG ,然后从CMD执行。它打印:

No module named '__main__.hog'; '__main__' is not a package

Is it crazy ? 疯了吗? hog.py is in the main package together with the other files. hog.py与其他文件一起位于主软件包中。 As you can see, it also contains HOG class.... Can't understand.. Some one can reproduce the error ? 如您所见,它还包含HOG类。...无法理解..有人可以重现该错误?

In the IDE console it prints: 在IDE控制台中,它打印:

usage: train.py [-h] -d DATASET -m MODEL
train.py: error: the following arguments are required: -d/--dataset, -m/--model

This should be correct as soon as it is executed in IDE because the program MUST run in CMD. 在IDE中执行该命令后,它应该是正确的,因为该程序必须在CMD中运行。

UPDATE 2: for who is interested, this is the project https://github.com/VAUTPL/Number_Detection 更新2:对谁感兴趣,这是项目https://github.com/VAUTPL/Number_Detection

Change from numbers.hog import HOG to from hog import HOG and from numbers.hog import HOG更改为from hog import HOG
change from numbers import dataset to import dataset . from numbers import dataset更改为import dataset

You are already in the "numbers" package so you don't have to precise it again when you import it. 您已经在“数字”包中,因此在导入时不必再次进行调整。
When you type from numbers import dataset , Python will look for a package numbers (inside the actual package) that contains a dataset.py file. 当您from numbers import dataset键入内容时,Python将在包含实际数据包的包中查找一个from numbers import dataset numbers (其中包含一个dataset.py文件)。

If your train.py was outside the numbers package then you have to put the package name ( numbers ) before. 如果您的train.py不在numbers包中,则必须在包名前加上numbers

Important numbers is a python standard package https://docs.python.org/2/library/numbers.html 重要数字是python标准软件包https://docs.python.org/2/library/numbers.html

Check if you are not really importing that package or rename your package to a more specific name. 检查您是否真的没有导入该程序包,或者您的程序包重命名为更特定的名称。

Also: 也:

It might looks like python doesnt recognize your package. 看起来python无法识别您的软件包。

Open a python shell and write: 打开python shell并编写:

import sys
print sys.path

Check if your number path is there. 检查您的号码路径是否存在。

If it's not there you have to add it. 如果不存在,则必须添加它。

sys.path.insert(0, "/path/to/your/package_or_module")

Your train.py file is already in the package "numbers", so you don't have to import numbers. 您的train.py文件已经在“数字”包中,因此您不必导入数字。

Try this instead: 尝试以下方法:

from hog import HOG

I saw in comment that it gives you "error (red line)". 我在评论中看到它给您“错误(红线)”。
Can you be more precise, because I don't see errors there. 您能更精确吗,因为我看不到那里的错误。

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