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在现有项目中更新Angular CLI

[英]Update Angular CLI in existing project

I'm working on angular-cli 1.0.4 in existing project, I would like to update the version to 1.2.4. 我正在现有项目中使用angular-cli 1.0.4,我想将版本更新为1.2.4。 What is the best way to uninstall the old one and update to the newer one using npm with effecting my existing project? 卸载旧版本并使用npm更新到较新版本并影响我现有项目的最佳方法是什么? which updates the version on package.json file. 它会更新package.json文件的版本。

The guide to update your angular cli to any version your angular cli更新为any版本的指南

UPDATE 23-Oct-2018 ref: how to update an app when ng cli and angular change version best practice : 更新2018年10月23日参考: 如何在ng cli和角度变化版本最佳实践时更新应用程序

If you are on Angular CLI version 6+ just run ng update then follow the command line instructions. 如果您使用Angular CLI版本6+,只需运行ng update然后按照命令行说明进行操作。 Also checkout this guide Updating your Angular projects 请查看本指南更新Angular项目

Recently I've being upgrading my project from 1.0.4 to 1.3.0-beta , but the same will apply in case of any angular cli versions. 最近我将我的项目从1.0.4升级到1.3.0-beta ,但是在任何角度cli版本的情况下都适用。

So first just install angular cli you want to upgrade your project to as https://github.com/angular/angular-cli#updating-angular-cli is saying: 所以首先只需要安装你想要升级项目的角度cli,如https://github.com/angular/angular-cli#updating-angular-cli所说:

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
npm install -g @angular/cli@<put exact version here>

Steps to upgrade: 升级步骤:

  1. Create a new blank project like ng new project-name you can name your new "playground" project exactly like your old project , but make sure that it sits in the different folder from your current one. 创建一个new blank项目,例如ng new project-name 您可以将new "playground" project命名为与old project完全相同,但请确保它与当前old project位于不同的文件夹中。
  2. Copy/replace your app folder form your old project to new project you just created old project app文件夹复制/替换为刚刚创建的new project

  3. Bring all custom changes to all the rest files in a project: 将所有自定义更改带到项目中的所有其余文件:
    3a. 3A。 Put all your project related npm packages from your old project in to package.json (use compare tool) the difference between your old and new package.json is gonna be just @anngular/cli@version and its related packages versions like karma , etc 将旧项目中与项目相关的所有npm软件包放入package.json (使用比较工具) ,新旧package.json之间的区别只是@anngular/cli@version及其相关软件包版本,如karma
    3b. 3B。 Using compare tool( see UPDATE below for that matter ) make sure that you bring all your custom stuff form all cli related files like .angular-cli.json , .gitignore , index.html , src/polyfills.ts , src/main.ts , src/test.ts , etc 使用比较工具( 请参阅下面的UPDATE )确保将所有自定义内容.angular-cli.json所有cli相关文件中,如.angular-cli.json.gitignoreindex.htmlsrc/polyfills.tssrc/main.tssrc/test.ts

  4. Run npm install or yarn 运行npm installyarn

  5. Test all npm scripts : 测试所有npm scripts
    5a - Run ng serve to make sure it is works, if not fix the errors 5a - 运行ng serve以确保它有效,如果不能修复错误
    5b - Run ng build to make sure it is works, if not fix the errors 5b - 运行ng build以确保它正常工作,如果不能修复错误
    5c - Run ng lint to make sure it is works, if not fix the errors 5c - 运行ng lint以确保它正常工作,如果没有修复错误
    5d - Run ng test to make sure it is works, if not fix the errors ( here is an error I've being caught during that step) 5d - 运行ng test以确保它正常工作,如果没有修复错误( 这是我在该步骤中被捕获的错误
    5e - Test all other npm scripts that your app is relying on. 5e - 测试您的应用所依赖的所有其他npm scripts

Once you done with all above you can remove or archive the old project just in case and keep going with a new project from that point. 完成上述所有操作后,您可以删除或归档old project以防万一,从那时起继续使用new project

UPDATE : you also can use this angular-cli-diff to find out what is the difference between the versions eg https://github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-diff/compare/1.4.0...1.5.0 (see the Files changed tab) 更新 :你也可以使用这个angular-cli-diff来找出版本之间的区别,例如https://github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-diff/compare/1.4.0...1.5.0 (参见Files changed选项卡)

So with angular-cli-diff you do: 所以使用angular-cli-diff你可以:

  1. diff the cli versions eg: https://github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-diff/compare/1.4.0...1.5.0 差异cli版本,例如: https//github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-diff/compare/1.4.0...1.5.0
  2. click on File changed tab 单击File changed选项卡
  3. Apply the changes to your current project. 将更改应用于当前项目。
  4. npm install / yarn
  5. Test the changes in step 5(ae) as above 如上所述测试步骤5(ae)的变化

Look at the Angular-Cli docs . 看看Angular-Cli 文档 You don't need to create a new project. 您不需要创建新项目。

Global package: 全球套餐:

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean
# if npm version is > 5 then use `npm cache verify` to avoid errors (or to avoid using --force)
npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

Local project package: 本地项目包:

rm -rf node_modules dist # use rmdir /S/Q node_modules dist in Windows Command Prompt; use rm -r -fo node_modules,dist in Windows PowerShell
npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest
npm install

Updating minor version of AngularCLI v.1.xx 更新AngularCLI v.1.xx的次要版本

NOTE: If you are updating to 1.0 from a beta or RC version, check out the 1.0 Update Guide . 注意:如果要从测试版或RC版更新到1.0,请查看1.0更新指南

AngularCLI doesn't have support for automatic update of the CLI version and the dependencies on existing projects. AngularCLI不支持自动更新CLI版本和现有项目的依赖项。 However, keeping up to the latest version can be quite beneficial as you get the latest features, performance improvements and bug fixes. 但是,在获得最新功能,性能改进和错误修复时,保持最新版本非常有用。

I managed to successfully update my project from v.1.1.0 to v1.3.0 with the following steps: 我设法通过以下步骤将我的项目从v.1.1.0成功更新到v1.3.0:

  1. Update the version of the global AngularCLI (follow the steps in this guide ) 更新全局AngularCLI的版本(按照本指南中的步骤操作)
  2. Create an 'upgrade-project' with the latest version that you recently installed 使用您最近安装的最新版本创建“升级项目”

     $: ng new upgrade-project --skip-install 

    This will create the project in new folder and commit the initial files. 这将在新文件夹中创建项目并提交初始文件。

  3. Create and apply an upgrade patch with Git 使用Git创建并应用升级补丁

    You can use plain git format-patch / apply or the support of your favorite IDE (ex. WebStorm) 你可以使用普通的git format-patch / apply或你最喜欢的IDE的支持(例如WebStorm)

     $: git format-patch -1 HEAD --stdout > cli-upgrade.patch $: git apply cli-upgrade.patch 
  4. Carefully go through the changes and verify which of them are really needed 仔细检查更改并验证确实需要哪些更改

    NOTE: you will need to merge the modified files correctly 注意:您需要正确合并已修改的文件

  5. Re-install the updated dependencies 重新安装更新的依赖项

    • clear the old dependencies before the re-install [recommended] 在重新安装之前清除旧的依赖项[推荐]

       $: rm -rf node_modules 
    • install the dependencies 安装依赖项

       $: npm install 
  6. Now your update is complete, the next step is to verify that everything is working as expected and fix small things that might got broken along the way 现在您的更新已完成,下一步是验证一切是否按预期工作并修复可能在此过程中被破坏的小事

After the CLI was successfully updated together with it's initial dependencies feel free to update also your additional dependencies which are not installed by default (ex. Angular Material). 在CLI成功更新后,它的初始依赖关系随时也可以更新默认情况下未安装的其他依赖项(例如Angular Material)。

$: npm update @angular/material ...

Both answers above are correct and are based on the same approach that is the de-facto way as of today. 上述两个答案都是正确的,并且基于与今天事实上相同的方法。

There are plans from Angular CLI to add an update feature in one of the coming releases. Angular CLI计划在其中一个版本中添加更新功能。

To update your additional dependencies there is an elegant way by moving them to a second package.json. 要更新您的其他依赖项,可以通过将它们移动到第二个package.json来实现。 You can use Yarn Workspaces or package-json-merge for that. 您可以使用Yarn Workspaces或package-json-merge。 More info on my website: https://www.rainerhahnekamp.com/en/updating-angular-cli-dependencies/ 我的网站上有更多信息: https//www.rainerhahnekamp.com/en/updating-angular-cli-dependencies/

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