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[英]two SQL tables with 2 columns in common, need records that are in table A but not in table B (column 1 is same in both but different column 2)

I have two tables, tableA and tableB. 我有两个表,tableA和tableB。 They both have columns (vehicle_make and vehicle_model). 它们都有列(vehicle_make和vehicle_model)。

I need all make/model of the vehicles from tableA that are not present in tableB. 我需要tableA中所有不在tableB中的车辆的品牌/型号。

Basically I need to find new make and models. 基本上我需要找到新的品牌和型号。 tableB is currently I am using in my project and tableA is generic data with all the vehicles in the US. 我目前在我的项目中使用的是tableB,而tableA是美国所有车辆的通用数据。

You can use NOT IN operator. 您可以使用NOT IN运算符。

SELECT DISTINCT vehicle_make, vehicle_model
FROM tableA
WHERE (vehicle_make || vehicle_model) NOT IN 
      (SELECT DISTINCT (vehicle_make || vehicle_model)
       FROM tableB)

Using a coorlated subquery: usually the most efficient with exists. 使用协调的子查询:通常最高效的with存在。

SELECT vehicle_make, vehicle_model
FROM tableA A
WHERE Not Exists (SELECT * 
                  FROM tableB 
                  WHERE A.vehicle_make = B.Vehicle_make
                    and A.vehicle_model = B.Vehicle_model

Using an outer join (if you needed data from table B on the records that did exist... like a count of records from B for each make/model 使用外部联接(如果您需要表B上确实存在的记录上的数据...像每个品牌/型号来自B的记录计数

SELECT A.vehicle_make, A.vehicle_model, count(B.*)
FROM tableA A
 on A.vehicle_make = B.Vehicle_make
and A.vehicle_model = B.Vehicle_model
WHERE B.Vehicle_make is null
GROUP BY A.vehicle_make, A.vehicle_model

In works (unless you can have null values) In作品中(除非您可以具有空值)

select a.*
from TableA a
left outer join TableB b 
       on a.vehicle_make = b.vehicle_make 
      and a.vehicle_model = b.vehicle_model
where b.vehicle_make is null


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