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[英]how to get data from react-meteor-data container only when it's ready?

I am having trouble getting data from my container since isReady stays false. 由于isReady保持为false,因此无法从容器中获取数据。 When looking in MeteorToys the collection does get loaded so I do not understand why. 当在MeteorToys中查看时,该集合确实已加载,因此我不明白为什么。

On the server I define the StaticContents collection which gets loaded with "api" data. 在服务器上,我定义了StaticContents集合,该集合将加载“ api”数据。 (which I typed in myself for now) (我现在自己输入)

export const StaticContents = new Mongo.Collection("staticContents");

if (Meteor.isServer) {
  Meteor.publish("polled-publication", function() {
    const publishedKeys = {};
    const poll = () => {
      // Let's assume the data comes back as an array of JSON documents, with an _id field, for simplicity
      const data = [{ _id: 1, name: "jef" }, { _id: 2, name: "jan" }];
      const COLLECTION_NAME = "staticContents";
      data.forEach(doc => {
        if (publishedKeys[doc._id]) {
          this.changed(COLLECTION_NAME, doc._id, doc);
        } else {
          publishedKeys[doc._id] = true;
          this.added(COLLECTION_NAME, doc._id, doc);

On the client I import this StaticContents collection and react-meteor-data and put this in a container which passes these variables to my react component. 在客户端上,我导入此StaticContents集合和react-meteor-data并将其放入容器中,该容器将这些变量传递给我的react组件。

import { Meteor } from "meteor/meteor";
import { Mongo } from "meteor/mongo";
import { StaticContents } from "../api/gap.js";
import { createContainer } from "meteor/react-meteor-data";
import React, { Component } from "react";

class Dashboard extends Component {
  componentWillMount() {
    console.log("log the props");
  render() {
    //const gapData = Session.get("gapData");
    return (
      <div className="container">
        <div className="starter-template">
          <h1>This is the dashboard page.</h1>
          <p className="lead">
            Use this document as a way to quickly start any new project.<br />{" "}
            All you get is this text and a mostly barebones HTML document.
            <br />
            {this.props.isReady && this.props.content.name}
            <br />

export default createContainer(props => {
  // Do all your reactive data access in this method.
  // Note that this subscription will get cleaned up when your component is unmounted
  const handle = Meteor.subscribe("polled-publication");

  return {
    isReady: handle.ready(),
    content: StaticContents.find({}).fetch(),
    testprop: "this is a testprop"
}, Dashboard);

When logging the props isReady is false and content is an empty array. 记录道具时,isReady为false,内容为空数组。 How should I solve this and why is it taking so long to load? 我应该如何解决这个问题,为什么加载时间这么长?

I am using the official meteor guide "loading from rest" as a guide. 我正在使用官方的流星指南“休息时加载”作为指南。 https://guide.meteor.com/data-loading.html#loading-from-rest https://guide.meteor.com/data-loading.html#loading-from-rest

Since you are logging this.props in componentWillMount , it will get executed once - before <Dashboard> get mounted and probably before the polled-publication subscription is ready. 由于您是在componentWillMount中记录this.props的,因此它将被执行一次-在<Da​​shboard>挂载之前,也可能在轮询-发布订阅准备就绪之前。 During which, isReady and contents would be what you are getting. 在此期间, isReady内容将是您所获得的。 Subsequently, the subscription should get ready and the props would become what you expect. 随后,订阅应准备就绪,道具将成为您所期望的。

You can put the console.log within render to check out the values of the props on each render. 您可以将console.log放入渲染器中,以检查每个渲染器上的道具值。

Also in 同样在

{this.props.isReady && this.props.content.name}

this.props.content is an array, so it doesn't make much sense to reference a name field. this.props.content是一个数组,因此引用名称字段没有多大意义。

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