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Python Stripe-获取所有未订阅特定计划的客户

[英]Python Stripe - Get all customers that unsubscribed from a specific plan

Say I have a plan called 'pro-plan' , listing all its existing subscribers is quite straightforward 假设我有一个名为'pro-plan' ,列出其所有现有订户非常简单

for subscriber in stripe.Subscription.all().auto_paging_iter():
    # do something with this subscriber

What I was wondering, is how can figure out users that unsubscribed in a given timeframe? 我想知道的是,如何确定在给定时间内未订阅的用户?

For example, given start_timestamp and end_timestamp how can I find users who have unsubscribed from a specific plan? 例如,给定start_timestampend_timestamp如何找到未订阅特定计划的用户?

Stripe lets you retrieve canceled subscriptions by passing status=canceled when listing subscriptions (though you need to be on API version 2016-07-06 or more recent to do so). Stripe允许您在列出订阅时传递status=canceled检索已status=canceled 订阅 (尽管您必须使用2016-07-06版或更高版本的API才能这样做)。

You'd then need to filter on your end to keep the subscriptions that were canceled during the timeframe you're interested in, using each subscription's canceled_at attribute. 然后,您需要使用每个订阅的canceled_at属性在一端进行过滤,以保留在感兴趣的时间段内被取消的订阅。

subscriptions = stripe.Subscription.list(plan='pro-plan', status='canceled')
for subscription in subscriptions.auto_paging_iter():
    if start_timestamp <= subscription.canceled_at <= end_timestamp:
        # Do something with subscription

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