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[英]How to debug ng-pattern

I'm working on custom form validation for an Angular application using ng-pattern . 我正在使用ng-pattern为Angular应用程序定制表单验证。

In my form I have: 在我的表格中,我有:

<form name="jobsForm" id="jobs-form">
    <div jobs-form jobs="jobs">
        <div ng-form="jobsForm">
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="source_path">Source Path:</label>
                <input type="text" class="form-control" name="source_path" id="source_path" ng-model="jobs.source_path" ng-pattern="path_regex" required>
                <span class="input-error" ng-show="jobsForm.source_path.$invalid.pattern">INVALID PATH</span>
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary-red" ng-click="submitJob()">Submit</button>

In my controller I define path_regex : 在我的控制器中,我定义path_regex

$scope.path_regex = /^[a-zA-Z]:\\(((?![<>:"\/\\|?*]).)+(\\)?)*$/;

When I try it out, nothing works. 当我尝试时,没有任何效果。 What is the best way to debug this? 调试此问题的最佳方法是什么? Is it possible to put a breakpoint in and check my values for ng-show ? 是否可以设置断点并检查ng-show值?

For sure you can. 当然可以。 If you look at the angularJS documentation for ng-pattern and then click on the " View Source " button at top right, you will see the source code. 如果您查看ng-patternangularJS文档,然后单击右上方的“ 查看源代码 ”按钮,您将看到源代码。 There isn't much to this directive. 该指令没有太多内容。 Search for this code: 搜索此代码:

ctrl.$validators.pattern = function(modelValue, viewValue) {
        // HTML5 pattern constraint validates the input value, so we validate the viewValue
        return ctrl.$isEmpty(viewValue) || isUndefined(regexp) || regexp.test(viewValue);

So you can see there is a function being assigned to the array of $validators on the model controller. 因此,您可以看到在模型控制器上有一个分配给$ validators数组的函数。 When data changes, all of the $validators will be executed. 数据更改时,将执行所有$ validators。

Now go to the chrome debugger, sources panel and search for one of these lines of code and in your un-minified angular.js file. 现在转到chrome调试器的“ sources”面板,并在未缩小的angular.js文件中搜索这些代码行之一。 Put a breakpoint in this same function to make sure that your regex gets to the test. 在相同的函数中放置一个断点,以确保您的正则表达式可以通过测试。

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