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[英]Change the XAML auto generating text when a custom control is dropped from the toolbox onto Mainwindow

When a wpf custom control is added to the toolbox and dragged onto the MainWindow, the automatically generated text in the XAML editor contains some properties=values by default. 将wpf自定义控件添加到工具箱中并将其拖动到MainWindow时,默认情况下,XAML编辑器中自动生成的文本包含一些properties = values。

How can I alter this text so that automatically includes some new properties of my custom control and/or remove others? 如何更改此文本,以便自动包含自定义控件的某些新属性和/或删除其他属性?

You can get pretty flexible design time behavior with a combination of System.ComponentModel attributes and DependencyProperty metadata. 通过结合使用System.ComponentModel属性和DependencyProperty元数据,可以获得非常灵活的设计时行为。 The PropertyMetadata class has a constructor that takes a default value: PropertyMetadata类具有一个采用默认值的构造函数:

public string MyCustomProperty
    get { return GetValue(MyCustomPropertyProperty).ToString(); }
    set { SetValue(MyCustomPropertyProperty, value); }
public static DependencyProperty MyCustomPropertyProperty =
        new PropertyMetadata("My default value")); // <--- default value


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