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C ++中的哈希表错误

[英]Error with Hash Table in c++

I written a simple program for insert data in Hash Table and remove data from it with C++ language. 我编写了一个简单的程序,用于在哈希表中插入数据,并使用C ++语言从中删除数据。 My program error is: undefined reference to 'HashTable::insert(int&)' How to fix this error? 我的程序错误是: 对'HashTable :: insert(int&)'的未定义引用如何解决此错误?

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

I Create a template for give all variables. 我创建一个模板以提供所有变量。

template <typename HashedObj>
class HashTable {
    explicit HashTable(int cusize = 101) {}

    bool contains(const HashedObj& x) const
        auto& whichList = theLists[myhash(x)];
        return find(begin(whichList), end(whichList), x) != end(whichList);

    void makeEmpty()
        for (auto& thisList : theLists)

    bool insert(const HashedObj& x)
        auto& whichList = theLists[myhash(x)];
        if (find(begin(whichList), end(whichList), x) != end(whichList))
            return false;

        if (++currentSize > theLists.size())

        return true;

    bool insert(HashedObj& x);
    bool remove(const HashedObj& x)
        auto& whichList = theLists[myhash(x)];
        auto itr = find(begin(whichList), end(whichList), x);

        if (itr == end(whichList))
            return false;

        return true;

    vector<list<HashedObj>> theLists; //The array of Lists
    int currentSize;

    void rehash();
    size_t myhash(const HashedObj& x) const
        static hash<HashedObj> hf;
        return hf(x) % theLists.size();

In the main function i create a HashTable with int variable for example and insert 10 number to it but compiler has a error on test = t.insert(i); 在主函数中,例如,创建一个带有int变量的HashTable并向其插入10号,但是编译器在test = t.insert(i)上出错 for insert function. 用于插入功能。

int main()
    HashTable<int> t;

    bool test;
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        test = t.insert(i);

There seems to be two bool insert(params) functions in your code: 您的代码中似乎有两个bool insert(params)函数:

 bool insert(const HashedObj& x)
    auto& whichList = theLists[myhash(x)];
    if (find(begin(whichList), end(whichList), x) != end(whichList))
        return false;

    if (++currentSize > theLists.size())

    return true;

and here: 和这里:

bool insert(HashedObj& x);

Remove one of them. 删除其中之一。

Edit: As @DietmarKühl suggested, you should remove the second implementation. 编辑:如@DietmarKühl建议,您应该删除第二个实现。

You declared two insert functions, the first one took a const HashedObj& parameter, the second one took a HashedObj& parameter. 您声明了两个insert函数,第一个函数使用const HashedObj&参数,第二个const HashedObj&使用HashedObj&参数。

test = t.insert(i); i is a non-const variable here, so it matches the second insert function, but you didn't implement it. i在这里是一个非常量变量,因此它与第二个insert函数匹配,但是您没有实现它。

It could work well if you remove the second insert declaration, because the compiler will convert i to a const int& type automaticlly. 如果删除第二个insert声明,它可能会很好地工作,因为编译器会自动将i转换为const int&类型。

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