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[英]Seafile installation - {“detail”:“Authentication credentials were not provided.”}

I am currently trying to re-install seafile on my own server Ubuntu 14.04 with Apache 2.4+ and Let's Encrypt with CertBot for SSL certificates. 我目前正在自己​​的服务器的Ubuntu 14.04与Apache 2.4 +上重新安装seafile并让我们为CertBot SSL证书加密。

I did a fresh installation of seafile following server manual: 我按照服务器手册重新安装了seafile:

Deploying with MySQL 使用MySQL部署

Deploying with Apache 用Apache部署

Enabling Https with Apache 使用Apache启用Https

Which lead me to this virtual host configuration: 这使我这个虚拟主机配置:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName file.lecnet.fr
DocumentRoot /var/www
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule / https://file.lecnet.fr/
RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME} =file.lecnet.fr
RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]

<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName file.lecnet.fr
DocumentRoot /var/www
SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/file.lecnet.fr/cert.pem
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/file.lecnet.fr/privkey.pem
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/file.lecnet.fr/fullchain.pem
Alias /media /home/lecomteg/lecfile/seafile-server-latest/seahub/media
<Location /media>
Require all granted

RewriteEngine On

ProxyPass /seafhttp
ProxyPassReverse /seafhttp
RewriteRule ^/seafhttp - [QSA,L]

SetEnvIf Request_URI . proxy-fcgi-pathinfo=unescape
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_ATHORIZATION=$1
ProxyPass / fcgi://

CustomLog /var/www/vhosts/prod/panel.lecnet.fr/logs/file.log combined
ErrorLog /var/www/vhosts/prod/panel.lecnet.fr/logs/file_error.log

With this configuration, I can go on the web application which work fine, I don't have any error server side and all the functionnalities seems to be working. 有了这个配置,我可以去上正常工作的Web应用程序,我没有任何错误的服务器端,所有的functionnalities似乎是工作。

But if I try to use the client that goes with the server, when I try to login to the server, I just have a "Impossible connection" that appear with this error in logs client side: 但是,如果我尝试使用服务器附带的客户端,那么当我尝试登录服务器时,我只会在日志客户端看到一个“无法连接”的错误消息:

[08/02/17 08:07:38]request failed for https://file.lecnet.fr/api2/account/info/ : {"detail":"Authentication credentials were not provided."} [08/02/17 08:07:38] https://file.lecnet.fr/api2/account/info/请求失败:{“详细信息”:“未提供身份验证凭据。”}

I tried to do it via curl using 我试图通过使用卷曲做

curl -d "username=username&password=xxxxx" https://file.lecnet.fr/api2/account/info/ curl -d“用户名=用户名和密码= xxxxx” https://file.lecnet.fr/api2/account/info/

which lead me to the same error. 这导致我同样的错误。 I'm thinking that the problem can be linked to letsencrypt as it was working last time I installed seafile without https but not this time with it. 我想,这个问题可以链接到letsencrypt,因为它是我的工作装seafile没有HTTPS最后一次但不是这一次了。

NB: I also tried to disable seafile checking certificates but it doesn't work either. 注意:我也尝试禁用seafile检查证书,但是它也不起作用。

NB 2: Yes, I started seahub as fast-cgi on port 8003 NB 2:是的,我在端口8003上将seahub用作fast-cgi。

I saw that there is a lot of subject about django with this error, but I don't know how to apply this to my problem. 我看到有很多关于django的问题,但我不知道如何将其应用于我的问题。 Also, as I seem to be the only one that has this problem with seafile, I don't think that there's a problem with it but just a problem with my install. 另外,由于我似乎是唯一一个遇到seafile问题的人,所以我认为这不是问题,而只是我的安装问题。

I finally don't found any answer to this problem. 我终于找不到这个问题的答案。 I probably did something wrong but I still can't figure what. 我可能做错了什么,但仍然不知道是什么。

I reinstalled the entire seafile and it now works. 我重新安装了整个seafile,现在可以使用了。 I'm not really please with the "reinstall to repair" concept but well...At least it works. 我对“重新安装以修复”的概念并不满意,但是...至少可以。

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