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[英]How to read response body in WAI middleware?

I'm trying to create some middleware that will send 500 errors to a remote server. 我正在尝试创建一些将向远程服务器发送500个错误的中间件。 The error information is in the response body. 错误信息在响应正文中。

How can I get the response body from a Response as any kind of string? 如何从Response获取响应主体作为任何字符串? I see responseToStream but I can't figure out how to use it. 我看到responseToStream但我不知道如何使用它。

import Network.Wai
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)

responseBody :: Response -> IO ByteString
responseBody res = _

An implementation of the comment by @user2407038: @ user2407038的注释的实现:

import Data.IORef (newIORef,modifyIORef',readIORef)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)

import Network.Wai

responseBody :: Response -> IO ByteString
responseBody res =
  let (status,headers,body) = responseToStream res in
  body $ \f -> do
    content <- newIORef mempty
    f (\chunk -> modifyIORef' content (<> chunk)) (return ())
    toLazyByteString <$> readIORef content

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