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Querydsl 4 StringTemplate创建

[英]Querydsl 4 StringTemplate creation

Is there an alternative to StringTemplate.create("") in QueryDsl 4? QueryDsl 4中是否有StringTemplate.create(“”)的替代方法?

In version 3 i could write things like this: 在版本3中,我可以这样写:

final StringExpression createdMonthYear = StringTemplate.create("to_char(CREATED_DATETIME, 'YYYY.MM')");

But since Querydsl 4 this won't work. 但是,由于Querydsl 4不能使用。

EDIT: 编辑:

Nevermind. 没关系。 I found the answer... 我找到了答案...

final StringExpression createdMonthYear = Expressions.asString("to_char(CREATED_DATETIME, 'YYYY.MM')");

As OP found 如OP所发现

final StringExpression createdMonthYear = Expressions.asString("to_char(CREATED_DATETIME,

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