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视图未将模型传递给控制器​​-ASP.Net MVC

[英]View is not passing the model to controller - ASP.Net MVC

This is a basic passing of values from view to controller, but this does not seek to work.When I click the update button that functions to update the record in the database, the values from view, does not correctly pass the values to controller. 这是从视图到控制器的值的基本传递,但这并不起作用。当我单击用于更新数据库中记录的功能的更新按钮时,视图中的值未正确将值传递到控制器。 Upon putting debugger in the javascript, the each variables were able to correctly got its values and evn the object where they are stored. 在将调试器放入javascript中后,每个变量都能够正确获取其值,并能够存储它们的对象。

What could possible the reason for this problem? 有什么可能导致此问题的原因?

here's the button onclick event code in Javascript. 这是Javascript中的按钮onclick事件代码。

 $('#updatePrescription').click(function () {
        var drugListIsEmpty = CheckDrugList();
        var error = $(".text-danger").length;

        if (error == 0 && !drugListIsEmpty) {
            var prescription = [];
            var template = {};

            template.templateName = $("#prescriptionTemplateName").val();
            template.templateTypeId = $('input[name=templateTypeId]:checked').val();
            template.prescriptionTemplateItemList = [];
            template.instructionId = $('.instruction').val();
            template.frequencyId = $('.frequency').val();
            template.day = $('.inputDays').val();
            template.quantity = $('.inputQuantity').val();
            template.dispenseLocationId = $('.selectDispenseLocation').val();
            template.statusId = $('.status').val();
            //template.categoryId = $('.templateCategory').filter(":visible").last().val();
            template.templateId = $('#prescriptionTemplateId').val();

            //if (template.categoryId == null) {
            //    template.categoryId = 0;

            var x = 0;
            $('#tblPrescriptionSaveTemplateBody tr').each(function (key, value) {
                var row = $(this).closest('tr');
                var next_row = $(row).next();
                var drugId = $(value).find('.drugId').val();
                var dosage = $(value).find('.inputDosage').val();
                var dosageUnitId = $(value).find('.selectUnitId').val();
                var statusId = "41";
                var remarks = $(value).find('.inputDescription').val();
                var groupId = $(value).find('.inputGroupNo').val();
                var unit = $(value).find('.selectUnitId').val();
                var prescriptionTemplateItemId = $(value).find('.prescriptionTemplateItemId').val();


                var obj = {
                    // templateId: prescriptionTemplateId,
                    prescriptionTemplateId: template.templateId,
                    prescriptionTemplateItemId: prescriptionTemplateItemId,
                    drugId: drugId,
                    dosage: dosage,
                    dosageUnitId: dosageUnitId,
                    instructionId: template.instructionId,
                    frequencyId: template.frequencyId,
                    day: template.day,
                    quanitity: template.quantity,
                    unit: unit,
                    remarks: remarks,
                    dispenseLocationId: template.dispenseLocationId,
                    groupId: groupId,
                    statusId: template.statusId


                type: 'POST',
                url: '/WestMedicinePrescriptionTemplate/UpdateTemplate',
                dataType: 'json',
                contentType: 'application/json',
                data: JSON.stringify(template),
                success: function (data) {
                    window.location.href = '/WestMedicinePrescriptionTemplate/Index';

This is expected to pass the result of model in parameter "newtemplate" in the controller, but it results to null 预期这将在控制器的参数“ newtemplate”中传递模型的结果,但结果为null

  public ActionResult UpdateTemplate([FromBody] PrescriptionTemplateVM newtemplate)
            int empId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("EmployeeId"));

            var notif = "Update Failed.";
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    bool updateSuccessful = _prescription.UpdatePrescriptionTemplateAndItems(newtemplate, empId);

                    if (updateSuccessful)
                        notif = "Update Successful.";
            catch (Exception ex)
                notif = ex.Message;
            return Json(new { notification = notif });

What could be the problem in the code 代码中可能是什么问题

do like this: 这样做:

public ActionResult UpdateTemplate(PrescriptionTemplateVM newtemplate)

You need to make sure that you are using the same variables names that you defined in PrescriptionTemplateVM 您需要确保使用与在PrescriptionTemplateVM中定义的相同的变量名称。

and dont convert the data to Json. 并且不要将数据转换为Json。 do like this: 这样做:

            type: 'POST',
            url: '/WestMedicinePrescriptionTemplate/UpdateTemplate',
            dataType: 'json',
            contentType: 'application/json',
            data: {newtemplate: template},
            success: function (data) {
                window.location.href = 

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