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[英]Run unit tests in all projects, even if some fail

I have a multi module Gradle project. 我有一个多模块Gradle项目。 I want it to compile and do all other tasks as normal. 我希望它能够正常编译并执行所有其他任务。 But for unit tests, I want it to run all of them, instead of stopping as soon as one test in an early project fails. 但对于单元测试,我希望它能够运行所有这些,而不是在早期项目中的一个测试失败时立即停止。

I've tried adding 我试过添加

buildscript {
    gradle.startParameter.continueOnFailure = true

which works for the tests, but also makes compile continue if something fails. 它适用于测试,但如果出现故障,也会继续编译。 That's not OK. 那不行。

Can I configure Gradle to continue, only for test tasks? 我可以配置Gradle继续,仅用于测试任务吗?

Try something like this in main build.gradle and let me know, I have tested that with a small pmultiproject and seems to do what you need. 在main build.gradle尝试类似这样的东西并让我知道,我已经用一个小的pmultiproject测试了它,似乎做了你需要的东西。

ext.testFailures = 0 //set a global variable to hold a number of failures

gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->

    taskGraph.allTasks.each { task -> //get all tasks
        if (task.name == "test") { //filter it to test tasks only

            task.ignoreFailures = true //keepgoing if it fails
            task.afterSuite { desc, result ->
                if (desc.getParent() == null) {
                    ext.testFailures += result.getFailedTestCount() //count failures

gradle.buildFinished { //when it finishes check if there are any failures and blow up

    if (ext.testFailures > 0) {
        ant.fail("The build finished but ${ext.testFailures} tests failed - blowing up the build ! ")


I changed @LazerBanana answer to cancel next tasks after test fail. 测试失败后,我更改了@LazerBanana的答案以取消下一个任务。

Usually all publishing starts after all tests (as an example - Artifactory plugin does this). 通常所有发布都在所有测试之后开始(作为示例 - Artifactory插件执行此操作)。 So, instead of build failure, it is better to add global task, which will be between tests and publishing (or run). 因此,最好是在测试和发布(或运行)之间添加全局任务,而不是构建失败。 So, your task sequence should be like this: 所以,你的任务序列应该是这样的:

  1. Compile each project 编译每个项目
  2. Test each project 测试每个项目
  3. Collect test results on the all project and fail the build 在所有项目上收集测试结果并使构建失败
  4. Publish artifacts, notify user, etc. 发布工件,通知用户等

Additional items: 附加项目:

  1. I avoid using Ant Fail. 我避免使用Ant Fail。 There is GradleException for this purpose 为此目的有GradleException
  2. testCheck task executes all code in doLast section, as recommended by gradle testCheck任务按照gradle的建议执行doLast部分中的所有代码

Code: 码:

ext.testFailures = 0 //set a global variable to hold a number of failures

task testCheck() {
    doLast {
        if (testFailures > 0) {
            message = "The build finished but ${testFailures} tests failed - blowing up the build ! "
            throw new GradleException(message)

gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->

    taskGraph.allTasks.each { task -> //get all tasks
        if (task.name == "test") { //filter it to test tasks only

            task.ignoreFailures = true //keepgoing if it fails
            task.afterSuite { desc, result ->
                if (desc.getParent() == null) {
                    ext.testFailures += result.getFailedTestCount() //count failures


// add below tasks, which are usually executed after tests
// as en example, here are build and publishing, to prevent artifacts upload
// after failed tests
// so, you can execute the following line on your build server:
// gradle artifactoryPublish
// So, after failed tests publishing will cancelled

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