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为什么是React Redux Form,不传递SELECT选项的formState?

[英]Why is React Redux Form, not passing the formState for SELECT options?

Below is a relevant code snippet. 以下是相关的代码段。 I'm using redux form to render a Select Field... When the field renders, when you change the select option, the form's state is never changed. 我正在使用redux表单呈现选择字段...当呈现字段时,当您更改选择选项时,表单的状态永远不会改变。


The above always renders as undefined. 上面的内容始终呈现为undefined。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

let SelectGroup = ({input, title, label, type, defaultOption, options, meta: {touched, error, pristine}}) =>
      {options.map(o =>
        <option key={o.id} value={o.id}>{o.title}</option>
render() {

          component={ SelectGroup }
          name={ 'industry_id' }
          title={ 'industry_id' }
          options={ this.props.industries }


PlacePage = reduxForm({
  form: 'PlacePageForm',

const selector = formValueSelector('PlacePageForm')

const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    formState: getFormValues('PlacePageForm')(state),
    selected_industry_id: selector(state, 'industry_id'),

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(PlacePage);

The issue was solved by changing: 该问题已通过更改解决:


to: 至:

<select {...input}>

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