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[英]Dynamically pass keys to map to new object

Sorry for the confusing title, wasn't sure how to describe this in a one liner. 抱歉,标题令人迷惑,不知道如何用一个衬里来形容。

I have the following utility function: 我具有以下实用程序功能:

module.exports.reduceObject = item => (({ price, suggested_price }) => ({ price, suggested_price }))(item);

Which takes the values from the keys price and suggest_price and returns a new object with just those keys and values. 它从键pricesuggest_price获取values ,并返回仅包含这些键和值的新对象。

I can then turn an object like this: 然后,我可以打开一个像这样的对象:

inspect_link: 'steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_econ_action_preview%20S76561198279893060A%item_id%D9567622191659726240',
price: '2.15',
suggested_price: '2.90',
is_featured: false,
float_value: '-1.00000',
 { paintindex: 0,
   paintseed: null,
   rarity: 3,
   quality: 4,
   paintwear: null },
is_mine: false,
tags: { type: 'Collectible', quality: 'Normal', rarity: 'High Grade' },
fraud_warnings: [],
stickers: null,
updated_at: 1501880427 }

Into it's reduced version: 简化版:


Which I'm then storing in a MongoDB database. 然后将其存储在MongoDB数据库中。

I'd like to be able to pass in the keys (such as price , suggested_price dynamically so I can reduce any object to a smaller version of itself, but I'm struggling to find a good implementation. 我希望能够在按键(如通过pricesuggested_price动态所以我可以在任何物体减少自身的缩小版,但我在努力寻找一个良好的实施。

I wrote something such as: 我写了一些东西,例如:

module.exports.reduceObject = (item, keys) => (({ ...keys }) => ({ ...keys }))(item);

which isn't valid, but I honestly have no idea how to even approach this. 这是无效的,但老实说,我什至不知道该如何处理。

Can anybody offer a solution? 有人可以提供解决方案吗?

There is already a powerful lodash library which does what you need. 已经有功能强大的lodash库可以满足您的需求。 It has pick function which returns an object composed of the picked object properties: 它具有pick函数,该函数返回一个由picked对象属性组成的对象:

let newItem = _.pick(item, ['price', 'suggested_price']);

I find lodash's implementation hard to read. 我发现lodash的实现很难阅读。 If you're like me, here's a simpler implementation: 如果您像我一样,这是一个更简单的实现:

function pick(object, keys) {
    const result = {};
    for (const key of keys) {
        if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            result[key] = object[key];
    return result;

Depending on your use, it can be important to check whether the key is actually in the source object. 根据您的使用,检查密钥是否实际上在源对象中可能很重要。 This has slipped me up before. 这以前使我不知所措。

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