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[英]Node.js and Apache for single domain same server

I built a RESTful website, and it is written in Angular2(front end) and Php(backend). 我建立了一个RESTful网站,它是用Angular2(前端)和Php(后端)编写的。 Since I am using Angular Universal, I need Node.js to pre-process the Angular scripts. 由于我正在使用Angular Universal,因此我需要Node.js来预处理Angular脚本。 How can I configure my server to host both Node.js and Apache? 如何配置服务器以同时托管Node.js和Apache? I searched online, but can't find any resources related to "sharing Node.js and Apache on SINGLE domain"... 我在线搜索,但找不到与“在单个域上共享Node.js和Apache”相关的任何资源...

How to configure my Apache to route "everthing" to the /dist/ folder (and served by Node.js) except for the URI that are prefix with /api/ and /uploads/ (route to the /php/ folder). 如何配置我的Apache以将“所有内容”路由到/ dist /文件夹(并由Node.js提供),但前缀为/ api /和/ uploads /的URI(路由到/ php /文件夹)除外。

[Back-end] Api Php script: [后端] Api Php脚本:

If www.example.com/api/?...? 如果是www.example.com/api/?...? , then use this script /var/www/example.com/public_html/php/api.php to process it. ,然后使用此脚本/var/www/example.com/public_html/php/api.php进行处理。

Uploaded images: 上传的图片:

If asking for uploaded img files ( www.example.com/uploads/[img*.png] ), then try to look inside this /var/www/example.com/public_html/php/uploads/[img*.png] folder. 如果要求上传的img文件( www.example.com/uploads/[img*.png] ),请尝试查看此/var/www/example.com/public_html/php/uploads/[img*.png]夹。

[Front-end] Html, Js, etc...: [前端] HTML,JS等...:

Everyting www.example.com (except the /api/ and /uploads/), then ask Node.js to run it from this /var/www/example.com/public_html/dist/ folder. 每次使用www.example.com (/ api /和/ uploads /除外),然后要求Node.js从此/var/www/example.com/public_html/dist/文件夹中运行它。

I guess it is related to proxy and proxy_http , but I don't know how to configure it since I can't find any resources related to sharing both systems for single domain ... 我猜它与proxyproxy_http有关 ,但是我不知道如何配置它,因为我找不到与为single domain共享两个系统有关的任何资源...

i think you should Run Node.js on a different port (eg 8080) and use Reverse proxy in Apache config (virtual hosts) like this: 我认为您应该在其他端口(例如8080)上运行Node.js,并在Apache配置(虚拟主机)中使用反向代理,如下所示:

ProxyPass        /api http://www.example.com/php/
ProxyPassReverse /api http://www.example.com/php/
ProxyPass        /uploads http://www.example.com/php/uploads/
ProxyPassReverse /uploads http://www.example.com/php/uploads/
ProxyPass        / http://www.example.com:8080/dist/
ProxyPassReverse / http://www.example.com:8080/dist/

and then use htaccess rewrite rules for your uploads and api 然后将htaccess重写规则用于您的上传和api

you can read more about mod_proxy 您可以阅读有关mod_proxy的更多信息

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