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卡在Node + MongoDB异步查询问题上

[英]Stuck on Node + MongoDB asynchronous query issue

A little preface: I am very new to working with Node so please bear with my ignorance 一个小小的序言:我对与Node合作非常陌生,所以请无知承担

I am trying to pass some info from an array in Node.js, and check whether it exists in a MongoDB document. 我正在尝试从Node.js中的数组传递一些信息,并检查它是否在MongoDB文档中存在。 I am still struggling to wrap my head around Node and how to work with databases asynchronously. 我仍在努力地围绕Node以及如何异步使用数据库进行工作。

I have the following code 我有以下代码

for (i in articleTitle) {


    // Use connect method to connect to the Server 
    MongoClient.connect(mongoUrl, function(err, db) {
        if (err) throw err; // Throw error
        var query = { title: articleTitle[i] }; // Query Parameter

        // Perform Query
        db.collection(mongoCollection).find(query).toArray(function(err, result) {
            if (err) throw err; // Throw error
            if (result == '') {
                console.log('No results found for title:', articleTitle[i]);
            } else {
                console.log('Found an entry');

            db.close(); // Close connection

In the above code, I have an array of strings called articleTitle (for example: ['Title1', 'Title2', 'Title3'] ), I then run through each of those titles in the array (using the for() loop) to check if each title exists in the database. 在上面的代码中,我有一个名为articleTitle的字符串数组(例如: ['Title1', 'Title2', 'Title3'] ),然后遍历数组中的每个标题(使用for()循环) )检查数据库中是否存在每个标题。

The output I get is as follows: 我得到的输出如下:

> Title1
> Title2
> Title3
> No results found for title: Title 3
> No results found for title: Title 3
> No results found for title: Title 3

As evident above it seems to be checking for the last object in the array three times. 如上所示,它似乎正在检查数组中的最后一个对象三次。 I have also tried to implement the async package but struggled with that as well. 我也曾尝试实现异步包,但也为此感到困惑

Any help would be appreciated. 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

The issue you have is scope of the variable i in the callback function. 您遇到的问题是回调函数中变量i范围。

Use for (let i in articleTitle) instead. 使用for (let i in articleTitle)代替)。 This creates a new variable i for every iteration and scope is restricted to that iteration. 这将为每个迭代创建一个新变量i,并且作用域仅限于该迭代。

The answers to this question JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example explain in detail about why this happens and about scope and closure in JavaScript. 这个问题的答案是循环内的JavaScript封闭-一个简单的实际示例详细说明了这种情况的发生原因以及JavaScript的作用域和封闭。 The above question is an exact duplicate of this question. 上面的问题与该问题完全相同。

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