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在没有管理员权限的Windows上安装Python 3.6.2

[英]Install Python 3.6.2 on Windows without admin rights

I am trying to install Python 3.6.2 on a windows vps I have but I need admin rights to do it. 我正在尝试在Windows vps上安装Python 3.6.2,但是我需要管理员权限。

I tried a various different methods but none of them worked. 我尝试了各种不同的方法,但是没有一个起作用。

There is no MSI version for python 3 so that does not work either. python 3没有MSI版本,因此也不起作用。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

I know this might get me in trouble for suggesting thirdparty solutions, but Anaconda saved my bacon so many times in your situation, it's not even funny. 我知道这可能会给我提出第三方解决方案的麻烦,但是Anaconda在您遇到的情况中为我节省了很多次培根,这甚至一点都不有趣。

https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/install/windows https://docs.continuum.io/anaconda/install/windows

I found that i couldn't install the latest version for the same reasons you stated but if you select a previous version it will install fine. 我发现出于与您所述相同的原因,我无法安装最新版本,但是如果选择以前的版本,它将可以正常安装。

https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ (assuming you are on windows) https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ (假设您在Windows上)

This doesn't answer the question of how to install that version, but if you are happy with a previous version then, this could work. 这没有回答如何安装该版本的问题,但是如果您对以前的版本感到满意,则可以使用该版本。


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