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Python:-如果即使屏幕锁定,我也想使android应用程序在后台运行。 我需要Android的哪些权限?

[英]Python:- If i want to make an android app to run in background even if the screen is locked. What permission do i need for that from android?


It's a little more complicated than just a permission. 这比获得许可要复杂得多。 You'll need to register a wakelock in your application. 您需要在应用程序中注册唤醒锁。 A wakelock tells the Android OS not to shut down your application when your device goes to sleep. 唤醒锁告诉Android OS在设备进入睡眠状态时不要关闭您的应用程序。

Here's the official Android documentation on wakelocks: https://developer.android.com/training/scheduling/wakelock.html 这是关于唤醒锁的官方Android文档: https : //developer.android.com/training/scheduling/wakelock.html

You probably want the section titled "Keeping the CPU on" 您可能需要标题为“保持CPU开启”的部分

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