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[英]Receive-Job not returning same type as calling the script block without a Job

I am loading an F# dll that defines certain types in a powershell script, in order to create a web request with a body to send it to a web service made in F#. 我正在加载一个在Powershell脚本中定义某些类型的F#dll,以便创建一个带有主体的Web请求,以将其发送到F#中制成的Web服务。 One of those types is the following: 这些类型之一是以下类型:

type Resource =
| VM of VMResource
| Unit of UnitResource 


type VMResource = {
    ComputerName: string
    Ip: string
    Attributes: string[]

type UnitResource = {
    UnitName: string
    Ip: string
    Username: string
    Password: string
    Attributes: string[]

When I run the following small powershell snippet, the request's response is actually of type GetResourcesResponse (which is a record type containing an Array of Resource ), which is what I want: 当我运行以下小型powershell代码片段时,请求的响应实际上是GetResourcesResponse类型(这是包含Resource Array的记录类型),这是我想要的:

Add-Type -Path "pathtomydll.dll"

$fullRequestUrl = "http://localhost:2121/Resources/Get"
$body = "{`"Id`":`"Test`",`"RequestedResources`":[{`"ResourceType`":{`"Case`":`"VM`"},`"Attributes`":[`"A1`",`"A2`"]},{`"ResourceType`":{`"Case`":`"Unit`"},`"Attributes`":[]}]}"

$resp = Invoke-WebRequest $fullRequestUrl -Method Post -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"
$obj = [ServerProtocolTypes+GetResourcesResponse]::FromJson($resp)
$obj.GetType() # GetResourcesResponse

Unfortunately, when I try to run the same code in a Job, I get a PSObject type with a property which is an Array of string representation of my Resource type (for example: ResourceTypes+Resource+VM ), which doesn't contain any information about the VMResource or UnitResource : 不幸的是,当我尝试在Job中运行相同的代码时,我得到了一个PSObject类型,其属性是我的Resource类型的string表示形式的数组(例如: ResourceTypes+Resource+VM ),其中不包含任何有关VMResourceUnitResource

Add-Type -Path "pathtomydll.dll"

$fullRequestUrl = "http://localhost:2121/Resources/Get"
$body = "{`"Id`":`"Test`",`"RequestedResources`":[{`"ResourceType`":{`"Case`":`"VM`"},`"Attributes`":[`"A1`",`"A2`"]},{`"ResourceType`":{`"Case`":`"Unit`"},`"Attributes`":[]}]}"

$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { param($url, $reqBody) Add-Type -Path "pathtomydll.dll"; $resp = Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method Post -Body $reqBody -ContentType "application/json"; return [ServerProtocolTypes+GetResourcesResponse]::FromJson($resp) } -ArgumentList ($fullRequestUrl, $body)
Wait-Job $job
$obj = Receive-Job $job
$obj.GetType() # PSObject

In this case, $obj is an array of string, with one entry being ResourceTypes+Resource+VM and the other being ResourceTypes+Resource+Unit . 在这种情况下, $obj是一个字符串数组,一个条目是ResourceTypes+Resource+VM ,另一个条目是ResourceTypes+Resource+Unit

Is there any way for me to get back my GetResourcesResponse object back from the Job instead of a PSObject that contains an array of string ? 我有什么办法可以从Job取回GetResourcesResponse对象,而不是从包含string数组的PSObject对象?

Per the comments: 根据评论:

I think the problem is that output from Jobs is serialized when it's returned. 我认为问题在于,乔布斯的输出在返回时会被序列化。 You can run parallel processes and retain the native object types by using runspaces instead of jobs. 您可以使用运行空间而不是作业来运行并行进程并保留本机对象类型。

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