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[英]How create string with escape character?

I want to create string \\"str\\" but i want to give variable name to str. 我想创建字符串\\"str\\"但是我想给str指定变量名。 For ex : x := "name" q := fmt.Sprintf("\\"%s\\"", x) I want q = "\\"name\\"" 例如: x := "name" q := fmt.Sprintf("\\"%s\\"", x)我要q = "\\"name\\""

I tried this 我试过

Use escape sequences preceded by \\ to show literal special characters in a formatted string \\\\ for \\ and \\" for " 使用以\\开头的转义序列,可以在格式字符串\\\\\\ \\" ,而\\""

package main

import (

func main() {
    x := "hello"
    q := fmt.Sprintf("\\\"%s\"\\", x)

A more functional, flexible solution, depending on your taste: 一个更实用,更灵活的解决方案,具体取决于您的口味:

x := "hello"
p := []byte{'"', '\\', '"', '"'}
q := append(append(p, []byte(x)...), p...)
fmt.Printf("%s", q)

https://play.golang.org/p/MHOsdefZYW https://play.golang.org/p/MHOsdefZYW

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