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[英]add vertex to dynamodb using DynamoDB Storage Backend for Titan

I build Amazon DynamoDB Storage Backend for Titan. 我为Titan构建了Amazon DynamoDB存储后端。

I used this for build the env - based on template. 我用它来构建环境-基于模板。 After the resource was created I saw the dynamodb was created based on dynamodb.properties file. 创建资源后,我看到了基于dynamodb.properties文件创建了dynamodb.properties


After the resource was created, I open ssh to Linux EC2 and start bin/gremlin.sh. 创建资源后,我打开Linux EC2的ssh并启动bin/gremlin.sh.

I wish to add data to dynamo, so I tried to add vertex by folliwing commands: 我希望将数据添加到发电机,因此我尝试通过以下命令添加顶点:

    gremlin> bin/gremlin.sh
    gremlin> :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml
    gremlin> g = TitanFactory.open("/usr/local/packages/dynamodb-titan100-storage-backend-1.0.0-hadoop1/conf/gremlin-server/dynamodb.properties")

gremlin> g.addVertex('date_of_birth').property('date_of_birth','1949-01-01')

but now when I examine my dynamodb table, I see titan_ids was changed , but the data is not clear to read. 但是现在当我检查我的dynamodb表时,我看到titan_ids已更改 ,但是尚不清楚数据是否可读。 The 'v' column is still EMPTY, and not contain the vertex property. 'v'列仍为EMPTY, 并且不包含vertex属性。

How can I solve that issue and see the vertex property in v column? 如何解决该问题并在v列中查看vertex属性?


Titan Store data in binary format in the storage backend. Titan将二进制格式的数据存储在存储后端中。 So you should use gremlin query. 因此,您应该使用gremlin查询。

  • To get all the vertex and it's properties : 要获取所有顶点及其属性:

Example : 范例:

gremlin> graph = TinkerFactory.createModern()
==>tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6]
gremlin> g = graph.traversal()
gremlin> g.V().valueMap()


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