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[英]Compare one row to all other rows

I have following dataframe in R 我在R中有以下数据框

  ID     bay    row    tier
  1       1      2      80
  2       3      2      80
  3       2      5      06
  4       4      5      06
  5       23     6      82
  6       25     6      82
  7       24     6      82
  8       4      12     08

What I want to find is row and tier values are equal and at the same time bay should be an odd number and bay difference between two same row and tier entries should be 2 . 我想要找到的是rowtier值相等,同时bay应该是一个odd ,两个相同的row and tier条目之间的bay差异应该是2

Eg 例如

 ID     bay    row    tier
 1       1      2      80
 2       3      2      80

above two rows qualifies my condition row and tier are same with bay as odd number and difference between two bay numebers is 2 and I need to generate a flag which will get generated for both rows, lets say 1,2,3 which uniquely identifies the pairs 上面的两行符合我的条件row and tier是相同的, bay是奇数, two bay数字之间的差异是2 ,我需要生成一个标志,将为两个行生成,让我们说1,2,3唯一标识对

My desired dataframe would be 我想要的数据帧是

 ID     bay    row    tier   flag
 1       1      2      80     1
 2       3      2      80     1
 3       2      5      06     NA
 4       4      5      06     NA
 5       23     6      82     2
 6       25     6      82     2
 7       24     6      82     NA
 8       4      12     08     NA

How can I do it in r? 我怎么能在r?

You can get the subset as follows, 您可以按如下方式获取子集,

ind <- duplicated(df[c('row', 'tier')]) & df$bay%%2 == 1|
       duplicated(df[c('row', 'tier')], fromLast = TRUE) & df$bay%%2 == 1
df1 <- df[ind,]
df1 <- df1[!!with(df1, ave(bay, new, FUN = function(i) c(TRUE, diff(i) == 2))),]

Which gives 这使

  ID bay row tier 1 1 1 2 80 2 2 3 2 80 5 5 23 6 82 6 6 25 6 82 

To get the flag, 要获得旗帜,

df$flag <- cumsum(c(1, diff(which(ind)) != 1))[match(df$ID, df1$ID)]

Which gives, 这使,

 ID bay row tier flag 1 1 1 2 80 1 2 2 3 2 80 1 3 3 2 5 6 NA 4 4 4 5 6 NA 5 5 23 6 82 2 6 6 25 6 82 2 7 7 24 6 82 NA 8 8 4 12 8 NA 

using tidyverse , you can try something like this: 使用tidyverse ,你可以尝试这样的事情:

df %>%
  group_by(row,tier) %>%
  mutate(flg = if_else(bay %%2 >0, 1, 0)) %>%
  filter(flg == 1) %>%
  mutate(df2 = lead(bay,1) - bay) %>%
  filter(df2 == 2) %>%
  select(-df2) %>%
  mutate(flg = 1:n()) %>%
  right_join(df) %>%
  mutate(flg = coalesce(flg,lag(flg,1)))

which gives: 这使:

     ID   bay   row  tier   flg
  <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1     1     1     2    80     1
2     2     3     2    80     1
3     3     2     5     6    NA
4     4     4     5     6    NA
5     5    23     6    82     2
6     6    25     6    82     2
7     7    24     6    82    NA
8     8     4    12     8    NA

We can use 我们可以用

i1 <- setDT(df1)[, .I[all(bay%%2 == 1) & diff(bay)==2], .(grp = rleid(bay%%2),row, tier)]$V1
df1[i1, flag := 1
  ][!is.na(flag), flag := as.numeric(.GRP), .(row, tier)]
#    ID bay row tier flag
#1:  1   1   2   80    1
#2:  2   3   2   80    1
#3:  3   2   5    6   NA
#4:  4   4   5    6   NA
#5:  5  23   6   82    2
#6:  6  25   6   82    2
#7:  7  24   6   82   NA
#8:  8   4  12    8   NA

A different approach. 一种不同的方法。 You mention you just need a unique identifier. 你提到你只需要一个唯一的标识符。 If the numbers don't have to be sequential, it can be achieved like this: 如果数字不必是连续的,可以这样实现:

group = df %>% group_indices(row,tier)
idx = which(df$bay %% 2==1 & (df$bay - lag(df$bay,default=-1)==2 | group != lag(group,default=-1)))

Output: 输出:

  ID bay row tier flag
1  1   1   2   80    1
2  2   3   2   80    1
3  3   2   5    6   NA
4  4   4   5    6   NA
5  5  23   6   82    3
6  6  25   6   82    3
7  7  24   6   82   NA
8  8   4  12    8   NA

Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

I wrote this crappy for loop,but it works 我写了这个蹩脚的循环,但它的工作原理

df$flag = NA

for(i in 1:nrow(df)) {
  for(j in 2:nrow(df)) {
    if(df$row[i] == df$row[j]){
      if(df$tier[i] == df$tier[j]){
        if(df$bay[i] %% 2 != 0){
          if(df$bay[j] %% 2 != 0){
            if(abs(df$bay[i] - df$bay[j]) == 2){
              df$flag[i] = i
              df$flag[j] = i


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