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在Cloud Foundry中是否可以在VM级别(单元级别)自动缩放? 如果是,如何实现?

[英]Is auto-scaling at a VM-level (cell-level) possible in Cloud Foundry? If yes, how can this be achieved?

I have seen two levels of scaling instances in open-source Cloud Foundry. 我已经在开源Cloud Foundry中看到了两个级别的扩展实例。

cf scale -i INSTANCES cf scale -i实例
cf scale -m MEMORY -k DISK cf scale -m内存-k DISK

Is there something available for a cell-level auto-scaling in CF? CF中是否有可用于单元级自动缩放的功能? eg If I have 5 instances of an app running and I want to launch 15 more but the current no. 例如,如果我有一个正在运行的应用程序的5个实例,并且我想启动15个实例,但当前没有。 of cell VMs that are running have a capacity of running only 15 instances in total. 正在运行的单元VM的容量总共只能运行15个实例。 Can I use an existing service that recognises that the load to be served would need one more cell to be launched and spawn another machine? 我是否可以使用现有服务来识别要服务的负载,则需要再启动一个单元并生成另一台机器? I'm looking to deploy CF on Azure, so Azure-specific solution would also help. 我希望在Azure上部署CF,因此特定于Azure的解决方案也将有所帮助。

I think the short answer is no (at least at the time of me writing this). 我认为简短的答案是“否”(至少在我撰写本文时)。 Usually, Cloud Foundry is deployed using Bosh and Bosh does not have an auto scaling feature. 通常,使用Bosh部署Cloud Foundry,而Bosh没有自动扩展功能。

The way that a CF platform is typically managed is that as a CF operator, you would have monitoring setup so that you can see the capacity of your platform ( there are metrics that tell you how much capacity is left on your Cells) and also alert when your platform hits certain capacity limits. CF平台通常的管理方式是,作为CF运营商,您将需要进行监控设置,以便可以看到平台的容量( 有一些指标可以告诉您Cell上还有多少容量)并发出警报当您的平台达到某些容量限制时。 When you reach these, you can then use Bosh to scale up or down the number of Cells accordingly. 达到这些目标后,您可以使用Bosh相应地放大或缩小单元数。 This would be a manual operation with Bosh though. 不过,这将是Bosh的手动操作。

Having said that, I suppose there's nothing to stop you from using the alerts to automatically trigger Bosh to scale up or down the Cells, there's just nothing (as of me writing this) to do that out-of-the-box (ie part of Bosh itself). 话虽如此,我想没有什么可以阻止您使用警报来自动触发Bosh来放大或缩小Cells的,也没有什么(就我而言)是开箱即用地完成的(例如, Bosh本身)。

Hope that helps! 希望有帮助!

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