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Java 8格式化日期输入

[英]Java 8 formatted date input

I use this code to format a formatted text field to enter month & day: 我使用以下代码来格式化带格式的文本字段,以输入月份和日期:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MM.dd");
DateFormatter df = new DateFormatter(sdf);
DefaultFormatterFactory ddf = new DefaultFormatterFactory(df, df, df, df);
datumTextField.setValue(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));

When an invalid date is entered, eg. 输入无效日期时,例如。 13.10, a magican changes it to 1.10 after this line: 13.10,在此行之后,魔术师将其更改为1.10:

DateOfAdding = datumTextField.getText();

so the DateOfAddig value is 1.10. 因此DateOfAddig值为1.10。

How to turm the magican off? 如何关闭魔术师?

tl;dr TL;博士

    "12.31" , 
     DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "MM.dd" ) 

Catch DateTimeParseException for invalid input. 捕获DateTimeParseException以获取无效输入。


The modern approach uses the java.time classes rather than the troublesome legacy classes seen in the Question. 现代方法使用java.time类,而不是Question中看到的麻烦的旧类。

Among the java.time classes is MonthDay , just what you need. 在java.time类中有MonthDay ,正是您所需要的。

I suggest collecting input as two different numbers. 我建议将输入收集为两个不同的数字。

MonthDay md = MonthDay.of( x , y ) ;

If you insist, you can collect input as a combined string and parse . 如果您坚持,则可以将输入收集为组合的字符串和parse If so I suggest you and your user use standard ISO 8601 format: --MM-DD . 如果是这样,我建议您和您的用户使用标准的ISO 8601格式:-- --MM-DD

MonthDay md = MonthDay.parse( "--12-31" ) ;

Or define a pattern using DateTimeFormatter . 或使用DateTimeFormatter定义模式。

DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "MM.dd" ) ;
MonthDay md = MonthDay.parse( input , f ) ;

Trap for DateTimeParseException to detect invalid inputs. 捕获DateTimeParseException以检测无效输入。

String input = "13.10" ;  // Invalid input. Month must be 1-12.
DateTimeFormatter f = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "MM.dd" ) ;
MonthDay md = null ;
    md = MonthDay.parse( input , f ) ;
} catch ( DateTimeParseException e ) { 
    // … handle error …
    System.out.println( "Invalid input: " + input ) ;

See this code run live at IdeOne.com . 看到此代码在IdeOne.com上实时运行

Invalid input: 13.10 无效的输入:13.10

e: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '13.10' could not be parsed: Unable to obtain MonthDay from TemporalAccessor: {MonthOfYear=13, DayOfMonth=10},ISO of type java.time.format.Parsed e:java.time.format.DateTimeParseException:无法解析文本“ 13.10”:无法从TemporalAccessor获取MonthDay:{MonthOfYear = 13,DayOfMonth = 10},类型为java.time.format.Parsed的ISO

md.toString(): null md.toString():空

You will want to call the SimpleDateFormat 's setLenient method with false as a parameter so that the underlying Calendar used for parsing is set to non-lenient. 您将需要使用false作为参数调用SimpleDateFormatsetLenient方法,以便将用于解析的基础Calendar设置为非宽大。

A non-lenient calendar will refuse field values that aren't in the expected range for this field, rather than accepting them and modifying other fields to make sense of them : in your case the month was rolled-over 12 and reached 1, while the year was increased by 1 and probably reached 1971 rather than the default-when-unspecified 1970. 非宽容日历将拒绝不在此字段的预期范围内的字段值,而不是接受它们并修改其他字段以使其有意义:在您的情况下,该月已滚存12并达到1,而该年份增加了1,可能达到了1971年,而不是未指定时的默认1970年。

From the Calendar 's javadoc : Calendar的javadoc中

Leniency 宽大

Calendar has two modes for interpreting the calendar fields, lenient and non-lenient. 日历具有两种解释日历字段的模式:宽松和不宽松。 When a Calendar is in lenient mode, it accepts a wider range of calendar field values than it produces. 日历处于宽松模式时,它接受的日历字段值范围比生成的范围大。 When a Calendar recomputes calendar field values for return by get(), all of the calendar fields are normalized. 当Calendar重新计算日历字段值以通过get()返回时,所有日历字段都将被标准化。 For example, a lenient GregorianCalendar interprets MONTH == JANUARY, DAY_OF_MONTH == 32 as February 1. 例如,宽大的GregorianCalendar将MONTH == JANUARY,DAY_OF_MONTH == 32解释为2月1日。

When a Calendar is in non-lenient mode, it throws an exception if there is any inconsistency in its calendar fields. 当日历处于非宽松模式时,如果其日历字段中存在任何不一致,它将引发异常。 For example, a GregorianCalendar always produces DAY_OF_MONTH values between 1 and the length of the month. 例如,一个GregorianCalendar总是产生介于1和月份长度之间的DAY_OF_MONTH值。 A non-lenient GregorianCalendar throws an exception upon calculating its time or calendar field values if any out-of-range field value has been set. 如果设置了任何超出范围的值,则非宽松的GregorianCalendar会在计算其时间或日历字段值时引发异常。

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