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[英]How to show the list of rules to activate and inactivate them?

We are using Sonarqube Version 6.5 (build 27846) - LGPL v3 for C# language, I have created a new quality profile, but when I click the "Activate More" button; 我们正在使用Sonarqube 6.5版(内部版本27846)-C#语言的LGPL v3,我创建了一个新的质量配置文件,但是当我单击“激活更多”按钮时; Does not show the list of rules to activate and inactivate them, shows message "NO CODING RULES". 不显示用于激活和停用规则的列表,而是显示消息“无编码规则”。 Nor does it work with the sonarway profile, does not show the list of rules to inactivate those that do not apply to our business niche. 它也不适用于sonarway配置文件,没有显示规则列表以使那些不适用于我们的业务细分市场的规则失效。 I have not yet run the first analysis in this version because we have only 110 active rules, for this reason I want to deactivate the rest before running the analysis. 我尚未运行此版本中的第一个分析,因为我们只有110个活动规则,因此,我想在运行分析之前停用其余规则。

Language: c# Plugin: 6.3 (build 2862) installed NO CODING RULES 语言:c#插件:6.3(内部版本2862)已安装无编码规则

Starting with SonarQube 6.5, built-in profiles are not editable. 从SonarQube 6.5开始,内置配置文件不可编辑。

Regarding your custom profile, this is likely caused by a corrupt ElasticSearch index. 关于您的自定义配置文件,这很可能是由ElasticSearch索引损坏引起的。

  • stop your server 停止服务器
  • delete $SONARQUBE_HOME/data/es 删除$SONARQUBE_HOME/data/es
  • restart the server (the time this takes will vary by instance size) 重新启动服务器(所需时间将因实例大小而异)

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