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[英]Click on current tabItem of TabControl (in WPF)

I have ScrollViewer on my TabItem, what I want to do is when user touch header scrolling up, and I call this code 我的TabItem上有ScrollViewer,我想做的是当用户触摸标题向上滚动时,我将此代码称为


But TabItem hasn't support clicking on only header of it, and SelectionChanged isn't work, because I clicking on current TabItem 但是TabItem不支持仅单击其标题,并且SelectionChanged不起作用,因为我单击了当前的TabItem

A while back i did this changing the style of the header 前阵子我做了这个改变标题的样式

<Setter Property="HeaderTemplate">
            <Label Content={Binding}>
                    <Style TargetType="Label">
                        <EventSetter Event="MouseDoubleClick" Handler="TabItemMouseDoubleClick"/>

Which bindings to the internal label of the tabheaders label item 哪些绑定到tabheaders标签项目的内部标签

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