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JSF PrimeFaces数据表过滤

[英]JSF PrimeFaces datatable filtering

I 'record' objects and I put them in a datatable . I“记录”的对象,我把它们放在一个datatable A record has a boolean value 'Ignored', my idea is to make a filter so that it either shows all ignored records or everything. 一条记录具有布尔值“ Ignored”,我的想法是制作一个过滤器,使其显示所有被忽略的记录或所有内容。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

<p:column headerText="Status" filterMatchMode="equals" filterBy="#{record.ignored}">
    <f:facet name="filter">
      <p:selectOneButton onchange="PF('logTable').filter()">
        <f:converter converterId="javax.faces.Boolean" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="All" itemValue="" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Ignored" itemValue="#{record.ignored}" />
    <h:outputText value="#{record.status}" />   

For some reason it is not working properly which i could not find, after searching for some examples online. 出于某种原因,在网上搜索了一些示例后,它无法正常运行,而我找不到。

The item value for this item 该商品的商品价值

<f:selectItem itemLabel="Ignored" itemValue="#{record.ignored}" />

should be either true or false since that is the condition that will be check during the filtering of the records 应该为truefalse因为这是在过滤记录时要检查的条件

<f:selectItem itemLabel="Ignored" itemValue="true" />

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