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[英]AutoMapper: Converting a tree to an entity list

I have "Source" classes and "Destination" class: 我有“源”类和“目标”类:

public class ActionSource
    public string Action { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<PlaceSource> Places { get; set; }

public class PlaceSource
    public string Place { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<EventSource> Events { get; set; }

public class EventSource
    public string Event { get; set; }

public class EventInfoDestination
    public string Action { get; set; }
    public string Place { get; set; }
    public string Event { get; set; }

How can a map ActionSource data to IEnumerable<EventInfoDestination> with AutoMapper? 如何使用AutoMapper将ActionSource数据映射到IEnumerable<EventInfoDestination>

There isn't much auto about this mapping. 这种映射没有太多的自动性。 You should do it by hand. 你应该手工做。 AM would only get in the way. AM只会妨碍您。

    from place in source.Places
    from ev in place.Events
    select new EventInfoDestination { Action = source.Action, Place = place.Place, Event = ev.Event};

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