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[英]Telnet Server: Send and Receive data

I am now trying to make a simple client (using Windows.Forms) which connects to a Telnet server, and is able to send and receive data. 我现在正在尝试制作一个简单的客户端(使用Windows.Forms),该客户端连接到Telnet服务器,并且能够发送和接收数据。

I have managed to connect successfully to the server, but I can't figure out how to send data back to the server. 我已经成功连接到服务器,但是我不知道如何将数据发送回服务器。 (After that I need to figure out how to receive the response data, but I haven't made it that far yet.) (在那之后,我需要弄清楚如何接收响应数据,但是我还没有走这么远。)

Here's my current code: 这是我当前的代码:

using System;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MUDClient {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
    const string SERVER_IP = "";
    const int PORT_NO = 9999;
    NetworkStream nwStream;
    TcpClient client;

    public Form1() {

    private void btn_connect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

    private void btn_disconnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        rtb_outputWindow.AppendText("\n\nClient: Disconnected.");

    private void outputWindowTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        rtb_outputWindow.SelectionStart = rtb_outputWindow.Text.Length;

    private void connectToServer() {
        client = new TcpClient(SERVER_IP, PORT_NO);
        //client.ReceiveTimeout = 7000;
        nwStream = client.GetStream();

        new Thread(() => {
            Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
            while (client.Connected) {
                byte[] bytesToRead = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize];
                int bytesRead = nwStream.Read(bytesToRead, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize);
                updateOutputWindow(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesToRead, 0, bytesRead));

    private void updateOutputWindow(string text) {
        if (InvokeRequired) {
            Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate () {
        else {

    private void userSentInput(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) {
        RichTextBox inputField = (RichTextBox)sender;
        string userInput = inputField.Text.Trim();

        if ((e.KeyData == Keys.Enter) && (sender == rtb_inputField)) {
            if (nwStream != null) {
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userInput)) {
                    byte[] bytesToSend = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(userInput);

                    nwStream.Write(bytesToSend, 0, bytesToSend.Length);


My program has two RichTextBoxes (one for user input and one for "server output" aka received data), and two buttons (connect and disconnect). 我的程序有两个RichTextBoxes(一个用于用户输入,一个用于“服务器输出”,又名已接收数据)和两个按钮(连接和断开连接)。

Clicking the Connect Button runs the connectToServer() method which successfully opens a connection between the server and the client. 单击“连接”按钮将运行connectToServer()方法,该方法将成功打开服务器与客户端之间的连接。

To send data I want to type into the RichTextBox (rtb_inputField), and when the user presses Enter the data is sent. 要发送数据,我想输入RichTextBox(rtb_inputField),然后在用户按下Enter键时发送数据。 This is the part that isn't working. 这是无效的部分。 Nothing seems to happen when I press Enter. 当我按Enter时似乎什么也没发生。

EDIT: I updated the code. 编辑:我更新了代码。 I've added a continuous connection loop within a new thread. 我在新线程中添加了一个连续连接循环。 This works because I can see the welcome screen from the server. 这行得通,因为我可以从服务器看到欢迎屏幕。 I still can't send anything to the server, though. 但是,我仍然无法将任何内容发送到服务器。 And if I click the Disconnect button the program crashes with the Exception "An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.IOException'" in the continuous loop. 并且,如果我单击“断开连接”按钮,则程序将在连续循环中崩溃,并出现异常“ System.IO.IOException类型的未处理的异常”。

Try flushing the stream after the Write: 尝试在Write之后刷新流:


You'll also need to contentiously read by wrapping the reading in a loop 您还需要通过将阅读结果包装成一个循环来有争议地阅读

while (client.Connected)
    byte[] bytesToRead = new byte[client.ReceiveBufferSize];
    int bytesRead = s.Read(bytesToRead, 0, client.ReceiveBufferSize);
   Console.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesToRead, 0, bytesRead));

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