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[英]window.prompt stop working when adding function

var user = window.prompt("Welcome to the Vacation Planner. Please enter yourname");
document.getElementById("greeting").innerHTML += ", " + user;
var enterDays = document.getElementById("enterDays");
    var dayMessage = document.getElementById("dayMessage");
    if(enterDays <4){
        dayMessage.innerHTML = "Short trips are always worth it!";
    else if(enterDays<7){
        dayMessage.innerHTML = "Cool, you'll be there for a week"
        dayMessage.innerHTML = "You'll have plenty of time to relax and have fun!"
enterDays.onclick = calculateDays;

When I enter this code, the window.prompt work correctly. 当我输入此代码时,window.prompt可以正常工作。 But when I uncomment the function.calculateDays, the window.prompt stop working. 但是当我取消注释function.calculateDays时,window.prompt停止工作。 Can anybody explain why is it happening and how to solve it? 谁能解释为什么会这样以及如何解决呢? Thanks a lot!!! 非常感谢!!!

function.calculateDays是无效的语法,并且会引发语法错误,该错误将阻止将来的代码调用,要对其进行修复,请用function calculateDays替换它。

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