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如何实现将复杂类型序列化/反序列化为简单类型的Newtonsoft JSON转换器

[英]How to implement a Newtonsoft JSON converter that will serialize/deserialize a complex type into a simple type

I am looking to implement https://github.com/HeadspringLabs/Enumeration . 我希望实现https://github.com/HeadspringLabs/Enumeration Currently when I try to serialize/deserialize an Enumeration it serializes it like a complex object. 目前,当我尝试序列化/反序列化Enumeration时,它将它序列化为一个复杂的对象。 For example, the object Color: 例如,对象颜色:

public class Color : Enumeration<Color, int>
    public static readonly Color Red = new Color(1, "Red");
    public static readonly Color Blue = new Color(2, "Blue");
    public static readonly Color Green = new Color(3, "Green");

    private Color(int value, string displayName) : base(value, displayName) { }

will serialize to 将序列化为

    "_value": 2, 
    "_displayName": "Something" 

In a complex object like this: 在像这样的复杂对象中:

public class OtherClass
    public Color Color {get; set;}
    public string Description {get; set;}

it will serialize like this: 它会像这样序列化:

    "Description" : "Other Description",
    "Color" :
        "_value": 2, 
        "_displayName": "Something" 

Is there any way to make json convert serialize the complex object like this: 有没有办法让json转换序列化这样的复杂对象:

    "Description" : "Other Description",
    "Color" : 2

I can create the correct Color object just from the value by using the method FromValue in the Enumeration class. 我可以使用Enumeration类中的方法FromValue从值中创建正确的Color对象。 I just can't seem to make json convert take the property value as the "value" for the Color object. 我似乎无法使json转换将属性值作为Color对象的“值”。

In what way can I write the WriteJson and Create methods of the converter in order to achieve that? 我可以用什么方式编写转换器的WriteJson和Create方法来实现呢?

public class EnumerationConverter : JsonCreationConverter<IEnumeration>
            public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)

            protected override IEnumeration Create(Type objectType, JObject jObject)

You can make a generic converter for your Headspring.Enumeration<T, int> -derived class(es) like this: 您可以为您的Headspring.Enumeration<T, int> -derived类创建一个通用转换器,如下所示:

class EnumerationConverter<T> : JsonConverter where T : Headspring.Enumeration<T, int>
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return objectType == typeof(T);

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        int val = Convert.ToInt32(reader.Value);
        return Headspring.Enumeration<T, int>.FromValue(val);

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        var enumVal = (Headspring.Enumeration<T, int>)value;

To use the converter, add a [JsonConverter] attribute to your enum class(es) like this: 要使用转换器,请将[JsonConverter]属性添加到您的枚举类中,如下所示:

public class Color : Headspring.Enumeration<Color, int>
    public static readonly Color Red = new Color(1, "Red");
    public static readonly Color Blue = new Color(2, "Blue");
    public static readonly Color Green = new Color(3, "Green");

    private Color(int value, string displayName) : base(value, displayName) { }

Here's a round-trip demo: https://dotnetfiddle.net/CZsQab 这是一个往返演示: https//dotnetfiddle.net/CZsQab

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