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使用Jackson框架的@RequestBody注释的Spring Boot ObjectMapper

[英]Spring Boot ObjectMapper for @RequestBody annotation using Jackson Framework

Hy guys. 大家好

I have some data, given by a jQuery DataTable, that I send to a Spring Controller using Ajax and the data elements. 我有一些由jQuery DataTable提供的数据,我使用Ajax和数据元素将它们发送到Spring Controller。 More specifically, the ajax function fragment is: 更具体地说,ajax函数片段为:

                        url: "../todaydatarecover.json",
                        type: "post",
                        data: dataToSend,

As explained me in another post here on Stack, I used (cause the presence of "data") the RequestBody annotation in my controller: 正如我在Stack上的另一篇文章中所解释的那样,我在控制器中使用了RequestBody注释(由于存在“数据”):


    public ModelAndView todayInfoAndIdRecover(ModelAndView model, HttpServletRequest request,
            @RequestBody TodayData todayData) throws IOException

and, always as explained me, I make a class that have the variables that are sent by ajax to controller; 并且,总是像我所解释的那样,我创建一个类,该类具有由ajax发送到控制器的变量; in method sign, you can se that her name is TodayData. 在方法符号中,您可以确定她的名字是TodayData。 This is the implementation: 这是实现:

public class TodayData 
    private long dateInBox;
    private String nameInBox;
    private String typeInBox;

<follow setters and getters>

Searching on the web, I found that an explicit setting for object mapper may be requested; 在网上搜索时,我发现可能需要对对象映射器进行显式设置。 so, I found for my configuration (Spring Boot and Jackson Framework, both on last version) this one: 因此,我发现自己的配置(Spring Boot和Jackson Framework,均在上一版本中)是:

     public MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter mappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter() {
      MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsonConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
      ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
      objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
      return jsonConverter;

that is putted in the public class MvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter file. 放在public class MvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter文件。

The data are passed to Controller as an Object: 数据作为对象传递给Controller:

$('#eventsdatageneral').on('click', '.btn.btn-info', function(event) 
                var today_date = new Date().getTime(); 
                var dataToSend = new Object();
                dataToSend.dateInBox= today_date;
                dataToSend.nameInBox = host_name;
                dataToSend.typeInBox = type_name;

The problem is that when I click on the button that must enable sending, I got a 404 error. 问题是,当我单击必须启用发送的按钮时, 出现了404错误。

The object seems well formatted; 该对象似乎格式正确; on console, I got this: 在控制台上,我得到了:


And the parametr seems right: 参数似乎正确:


I got no errors on Java console; 我在Java控制台上没有错误;

So, what I don't understand is if i wrong the Object Mapper configuration or depends on what I implements on my controller, or other. 所以,我不明白的是,如果我错了Object Mapper配置,还是取决于我在控制器或其他控制器上实现的功能。

You need to do some changes in your code 您需要对代码进行一些更改

  1. You need to create JSON object as below in order to bind it with your Java POJO class TodayData : 您需要如下创建JSON对象,以便将其与Java POJO类TodayData

    $('#eventsdatageneral').on('click', '.btn.btn-info', function(event) { var today_date = new Date().getTime(); var dataToSend = {}; dataToSend["dateInBox"] = today_date; dataToSend["nameInBox"] = host_name; dataToSend["typeInBox"] = type_name;

  2. While sending your ajax request you need to use JSON.stringify function which will convert your javascript object to JSON. 在发送ajax请求时,您需要使用JSON.stringify函数,该函数会将您的JavaScript对象转换为JSON。

    $.ajax({ url: "../todaydatarecover.json", type: "post", data: JSON.stringify(dataToSend),

  3. Also as alfcope mentioned, ModelAndView and @ResponseBody shouldn't be used together, because when we use @ResponseBody on a method, we are saying that we do not want a view to be produced and the object will be returned as part of your response body. 同样如alfcope所述,不应将ModelAndView@ResponseBody一起使用,因为当我们在方法上使用@ResponseBody时,是说我们不希望生成视图,并且对象将作为响应的一部分返回身体。

  4. Check the url-pattern in configurations you've done for this application, or correct the url which you are sending as .json . 检查您为该应用程序完成的配置中的url-pattern ,或更正以.json形式发送的url。

You are using @RequestBody what means your controller is expecting a payload, so you need to serialise your JavaScript object using JSON.stringify before sending it, otherwise it is going to be sent as url form enconded. 您正在使用@RequestBody这意味着您的控制器需要有效负载,因此您需要在发送之前使用JSON.stringify序列化JavaScript对象,否则它将按照规定的url形式发送。

  url: "../todaydatarecover.json",
  type: "post",
  data: JSON.stringify(dataToSend),

Also, your request mapping looks wrong. 另外,您的请求映射看起来不正确。 You are returning a ModelAndView but using @ResponseBody . 您将返回ModelAndView但使用@ResponseBody They should not be used together and it does not make sense return a ModelAndView to an ajax request. 不应将它们一起使用,并且将ModelAndView返回给ajax请求是没有意义的。

I suggest you to remove extensions ( .json ) from your request mappings. 我建议您从请求映射中删除扩展名( .json )。 It should be only: 只能是:


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