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[英]How can I get the bean of a property file in Spring-Boot?

I need to play around keys of a property file. 我需要玩弄属性文件的键。 Key will be dynamic, so I need the bean of property file as mentioned below as my current running Spring application. 密钥将是动态的,因此我需要如下所述的属性文件bean作为我当前正在运行的Spring应用程序。

Spring Configuration: 弹簧配置:

<bean id="multipleWriterLocations" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
        <property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true" />
        <property name="locations">

Java Code: Java代码:

Properties prop = appContext.getBean("multipleWriterLocations")

I need the same Properties bean instance in Spring-boot. 我在Spring-boot中需要相同的Properties Bean实例。 I need to transform existing Spring application into Spring-Boot without changing the functionalities. 我需要在不更改功能的情况下将现有的Spring应用程序转换为Spring-Boot。

One way to get properties file value using @PropertySource(), but in this case I need the key name. 一种使用@PropertySource()获取属性文件值的方法,但是在这种情况下,我需要键名。 But in my case, key name is not known and I need to fetch keySet from the Properties bean. 但就我而言,键名未知,我需要从Properties Bean中获取keySet。

You can use @ImportResource("classpath:config.xml") where config.xml contains your PropertiesFactoryBean above, and then autowire it into your @SpringBootApplication or @Configuration class. 您可以使用@ImportResource("classpath:config.xml") ,其中config.xml包含上面的PropertiesFactoryBean ,然后将其自动连接到@SpringBootApplication@Configuration类。

public class App {
    public App(PropertiesFactoryBean multipleWriterLocations) throws IOException {
        // Access the Properties populated from writerLocations.properties
        Properties properties = multipleWriterLocations.getObject();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(App.class, args);

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