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[英]SSH remote machine and execute command

I am sshing to a remote machine and executing a command but my $PATH on the remote machine is set to the $PATH of user in the original machine and not that of sshed machine. 我将数据发送到远程计算机并执行命令,但我在远程计算机上的$ PATH设置为原始计算机中用户的$ PATH而不是从机计算机中的$ PATH。 But if I ssh to the remote machine and execute echo $PATH, it is set correctly to the logged in user in the new machine 但是,如果我使用ssh到远程计算机并执行echo $ PATH,则会将其正确设置为新计算机中的登录用户

root@host1> ssh admin@remotemachine echo $PATH

This prints the PATH of the user, in this case root on host1 and not admin on remotemachine 这将打印用户的PATH,在本例中为root在host1上,而不是admin在remotemachine上

root@host1> ssh admin@remotemachine 
admin@remotemachine's password: ****
echo $PATH

Above works fine 以上工作正常

Basically it's not changing the environment to the new user on remote machine. 基本上,它不是将环境更改为远程计算机上的新用户。 Somehow even though i am logged in to remote machine, it preserves the environment of root from host1. 即使我登录到远程计算机,它仍然以某种方式保留了host1的root环境。 If I do ls -al /, it shows the directories from the remote machine, which means i am logged in to the remote machine 如果我执行ls -al /,它将显示远程计算机上的目录,这意味着我已登录到远程计算机

Let's use set -x to debug what we actually run: 让我们使用set -x调试我们实际运行的内容:

$ set -x
$ ssh localhost echo $PATH
+ ssh localhost echo /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games

The line with the + tells us that the command we actually run is: +的行告诉我们实际运行的命令是:

ssh localhost echo /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games

Unsurprisingly, this is also the value we get back, regardless of what the remote PATH is. 毫不奇怪,无论远程PATH是什么,这也是我们获得的价值。

We can single quote the command to ensure that we send echo $PATH instead of echo /usr/local/bin:... to the server: 我们可以单引号命令以确保将echo $PATH而不是echo /usr/local/bin:...发送到服务器:

$ ssh localhost 'echo $PATH'
+ ssh localhost 'echo $PATH'

Now set -x shows that ssh is being run with the unexpanded command instead of the expanded command, and we get the remote PATH in return. 现在, set -x显示ssh正在使用unexpanded命令而不是expanded命令运行,并且我们得到了远程PATH作为返回。

Use -t : 使用-t

ssh admin@remotemachine -t 'echo $PATH'

From the man page: 从手册页:

 -t      Force pseudo-terminal allocation.  This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a
         remote machine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services.  Multiple -t
         options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.

The explanation is a bit cryptic, but it will execute whatever you put in quotes. 解释有些神秘,但是无论您用引号引起来,它都将执行。 Single quotes are important so that $PATH does not expand before being executed. 单引号很重要,因此$PATH在执行之前不会扩展。

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