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[英]Pass a result from goroutine to a variable inside the loop

At the code below how to assign a result from slowExternalFunction to a proper person ? 在下面的代码中,如何将slowExternalFunction的结果分配给适当的 It can be done via channels and just for clarity I defined that slowExternalFunction returns int . 可以通过渠道完成,为清楚起见,我定义了slowExternalFunction返回int

type Person struct {
    Id        int
    Name      string
    WillDieAt int

func slowExternalAPI(i int) int {
    willDieAt := i + 2040
    return willDieAt 

func fastInternalFunction(i int) string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Ivan %v", i)

func main() {
    var persons []Person

    for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ {
        var person Person
        person.Id = i
        person.Name = fastInternalFunction(i)
        go slowExternalAPI(i)
        person.WillDieAt = 2050 //should be willDieAt from the slowExternalAPI
        persons = append(persons, person)
    fmt.Printf("%v", persons)

https://play.golang.org/p/BRBgtH5ryo https://play.golang.org/p/BRBgtH5ryo

To do it using channels you'll have to refactor your code quite a bit. 要使用渠道来做到这一点,您将不得不对代码进行大量重构。

Smallest change would be to do the assignment in the goroutine: 最小的更改是在goroutine中进行分配:

go func(){
    person.WillDieAt = slowExternalFunction(i)

However, to make this work we'd need to make some other changes as well: 但是,要进行这项工作,我们还需要进行其他一些更改:

  • Use an array of pointers so that you can add the person before the assignment finishes. 使用指针数组,以便您可以在作业完成之前添加人员。
  • Implement a wait group so that you wait for all goroutines to finish before printing the results. 实施一个等待组,以便您等待所有goroutine完成后再打印结果。

Here's the complete main function with the changes: 这是带有更改的完整main功能:

func main() {
    var persons []*Person
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i := 0; i <= 100; i++{
        person := &Person{}
        person.Id = i
        person.Name = fastInternalFunction(i)
        go func(){
            person.WillDieAt = slowExternalFunction(i)

        persons = append(persons,person)
    for _, person := range persons {
        fmt.Printf("%v ", person )

Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/8GWYD29inC 游乐场: https : //play.golang.org/p/8GWYD29inC

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