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[英]Generic AutoMapper Mapping for all inheriting from a specific class

The majority of my view models inherit from a base view model called EncryptedBaseViewModel . 我的大多数视图模型都继承自称为EncryptedBaseViewModel的基本视图模型。 This method encrypts the ID so the user does not see database sensitive information. 此方法对ID进行加密,因此用户看不到数据库敏感信息。

I would like to create an AutoMapper mapping that handles all mappings between any entity that maps to the EncryptedBaseViewModel . 我想创建一个AutoMapper映射,以处理映射到EncryptedBaseViewModel任何实体之间的所有映射。 Get the source ID value and pass it to the destinations SetId method. 获取源ID值,并将其传递给目标SetId方法。

The ViewModel Class ViewModel类

class EncryptedBaseViewModel
    private string _encryptedId;
    public int Id {get; set; }  // to be after new mapping method is developed.

    public void SetId(int id)
        _encryptedId = Encrypted(id); 

    public string GetId()
        return _encryptedId; 

Auto Mapper Example 自动映射器示例

I have forged hacked this example, which passes the value after mapping as not sure of the approach. 伪造了 这个示例,该示例在映射后传递了值(不确定方法)。 Suggestions welcome here. 欢迎在这里提出建议。

CreateMap<AnySource, EncryptedBaseViewModel>().ForMember(vm => nameof(vm.Id), opt => opt.Ignore()).AfterMap((src,dest) => dest.SetId(src.Id));

The Questions 问题

  1. Is it possible to make a generic mapper. 是否可以制作一个通用的映射器。 If so, what do I put in where AnySource is specified? 如果是这样,我AnySource在指定AnySource地方AnySource什么?
  2. Will the mapping run as well as any other specific mappings? 映射会像其他任何特定映射一样运行吗? - I want it to. -我想要

I'm trying to avoid having to write the same mapping for every entity, as this could lead to situations where one forgets to do it. 我试图避免为每个实体编写相同的映射,因为这可能会导致人们忘记这样做的情况。

As @DavidG said, you need a base class or interface for your source. 如@DavidG所说,您的源需要一个基类或接口。 You can also map from object, but that is not terribly useful, because you still need to access the source id somehow. 您也可以从对象映射,但这并不是非常有用,因为您仍然需要以某种方式访问​​源ID。 And why the AfterMap? 为什么使用AfterMap? That's a hack. 那是骇客。 You can write a resolver inline or a resolver class. 您可以编写内联的解析器或解析器类。 And about your second point, you need Include if you want both mappings to run (base and derived). 关于第二点,如果要同时运行两个映射(基础映射和派生映射),则需要包含。 The docs . 文档

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