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[英]iframe showing up blank

I am trying to use a simple iframe on my website. 我想在我的网站上使用一个简单的iframe。 But it is not showing up. 但它没有出现。 Please see the screenshot. 请看截图。 This is my code: 这是我的代码:

 <iframe src="https://www.w3schools.com"></iframe> 

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? Thanks 谢谢 iframe显示空白

Your code is right, it's w3schools.com that's the problem. 你的代码是对的,这是w3schools.com的问题。 Opening up the developer console reveals this: 打开开发人员控制台会发现:

Refused to display 'https://www.w3schools.com/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.

This means that w3schools.com will only work in a frame when the "origin" (the website your frame is on) is from w3schools.com. 这意味着当“起源”(您的框架所在的网站)来自w3schools.com时,w3schools.com将仅在框架中工作。 Otherwise, you'll just get a blank frame. 否则,你只会得到一个空白框架。

Pages from W3Schools are not displayed in iframe elements from different server because the W3Schools site implements an iframe blocking policy. W3Schools的页面不会显示在来自不同服务器的iframe元素中,因为W3Schools站点实现了iframe阻止策略。 In order to do this, it uses the X-Frame-Options . 为此,它使用X-Frame-Options (See also how to block website from loading in iframe? .) (另请参阅如何阻止网站加载iframe?

You can check whether a site implements this policy by inspecting its HTTP headers. 您可以通过检查其HTTP标头来检查站点是否实现此策略。 For example, in Firefox, press F12 to open the inspection tools, then go to Network , select one of the objects that were sent over HTTP and look at the headers (or filter the headers for eg "x-frame"). 例如,在Firefox中,按F12打开检查工具,然后转到网络 ,选择通过HTTP发送的一个对象并查看标题(或过滤标题,例如“x-frame”)。 Below is what this looks like for W3Schools: 以下是W3Schools的相似之处:

屏幕截图显示了Firefox Developer Toolbar中的HTTP Response标头'x-frame-option:SAMEORIGIN'

Notice x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN in the lower right part of the screenshot. 注意x-frame-options:截图右下方的SAMEORIGIN With x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN (or on some other sites x-frame-options: DENY ) set on the server side, you will not be able to load pages from that site inside an iframe or a frame . 使用x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN在服务器端设置x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN (或在其他一些网站上使用x-frame-options: DENY ),您将无法在iframeframe内加载该网站的页面。

For more background, see X-Frame-Options – How to Combat Clickjacking , which also explains other values that can be used in the x-frame-options header. 有关更多背景信息,请参阅X-Frame-Options - 如何对抗Clickjacking ,它还解释了可在x-frame-options标头中使用的其他值。

If you want to test with a webpage from a server that does not block loading in iframes, try for example https://wiki.archlinux.org/ . 如果您想使用不阻止iframe加载的服务器测试网页,请尝试https://wiki.archlinux.org/

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