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使用 RxSwift 时,崩溃报告是否有意义

[英]Are crash reports meaningful when using RxSwift

I am using Crashlytics from Fabric.io to manage a crash reports from an app.我正在使用 Fabric.io 中的 Crashlytics 来管理来自应用程序的崩溃报告。

I am considering to add RxSwift into new project but have doubt if a crash reports would be meaningful?我正在考虑将 RxSwift 添加到新项目中,但怀疑崩溃报告是否有意义? Any experience ?有什么经验吗?

I am also looking for a solution for this right now.我现在也在寻找解决方案。 As per my experience so far;根据我目前的经验;

I have been using RXSwift in my project.我一直在我的项目中使用 RXSwift。 I have written 1 binding function and inside this added multiple PublishSubject's to listen button events.我编写了 1 个绑定函数,并在其中添加了多个 PublishSubject 来监听按钮事件。

When the crash happens from any of PublishSubject callbacks, Crashlytics seems to show only main binding function as crash reported function name which is actually useless information for me to catch the crash.. :(当任何 PublishSubject 回调发生崩溃时,Crashlytics 似乎仅将主绑定函数显示为崩溃报告的函数名称,这对我来说实际上是无用的信息来捕获崩溃.. :(

If any solution for this from anyone, they are always welcome..如果任何人对此有任何解决方案,他们总是受欢迎的..

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