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[英]Blockchain: Nubits vs Bitcoin speed

I am researching about Nubits and Bitcoin, I realized Nubits is faster than Bitcoin! 我正在研究Nubits和比特币,我意识到Nubits比比特币快! How could it be possible while Nubits implement on Bitcoin Blockchain? 当Nubits在比特币区块链上实现时,怎么可能?

It's possible because the consensus algorithm that is executed in Nubits is the Proof of Stake. 之所以可能是因为在Nubits中执行的共识算法是权益证明。 These algorithm objective is to create blocks by consensus among the nodes of the network. 这些算法的目的是通过网络节点之间的共识来创建块。

Bitcoin executes the Proof of Work algorithm to achieve consensus. 比特币执行工作量证明算法以达成共识。 Each node tries to find a nonce to create the block with a valid hash, ie a hash wich is smaller than a predefined number. 每个节点试图找到一个随机数以创建具有有效哈希的块,即哈希值小于预定义的数字。 The predefined number allows Bitcoin to control the average time that is needed to create a block. 预定义的数字允许比特币控制创建区块所需的平均时间。 The predefine number or difficulty changes to maintain an average time of 10 minutes to create each block . 预定义数量或难度会发生变化,以保持创建每个块的平均时间为10分钟

However, other implementations of Blockchain use other algorithms. 但是,区块链的其他实现使用其他算法。 For example, Hyperledger Fabirc uses the PBFT wich achieves the consensus in 10 seconds, ie creates each block in 10 seconds . 例如,Hyperledger Fabirc使用PBFT在10秒内达成共识,即在10秒内创建每个块

Nubits, like other implementations of Blockchain, uses the Proof of Stake. 像区块链的其他实现一样,Nubits也使用权益证明。 Proof of stake is a different way to validate transactions based and achieve the distributed consensus. 股权证明是验证交易基础和达成分布式共识的另一种方法。 It is still an algorithm, and the purpose is the same of the proof of work, but the process to reach the goal is quite different. 它仍然是一种算法,目的与工作证明相同,但是达到目标的过程却大不相同。 Unlike the proof-of-Work, where the algorithm rewards miners who solve mathematical problems with the goal of validating transactions and creating new blocks, with the proof of stake, the creator of a new block is chosen in a deterministic way, depending on its wealth, also defined as stake. 与工作量证明不同的是,该算法以权益证明的方式奖励以验证交易和创建新区块为目标的解决数学问题的矿工,而是以确定性方式选择新区块的创建者,具体取决于其财富,也定义为股份。

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